Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 12-10-2019
Current Affairs and News (12-10-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Industrial output shrinks by 1.1% in August 2019
- RTI violations go unpunished
- Mamallapuram Summit
- Downturn in India’s economy
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs12-10-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (12-10-2019)
Industrial output shrinks by 1.1% in August 2019
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Economy
In News
- The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) contracted 1.1% from a year sooner, following the development of 4.3% in July. Mechanical yield had become 4.8% in August 2018.
- Mechanical creation slipped into compression in August, driven in huge part by terrible showings in the mining, assembling and capital merchandise areas
- Inside the Index, the mining segment saw development decelerating to 0.1%, from a 4.9% extension in July.
- The assembling division, hampered by poor interest, saw a constriction of 1.2%, contrasted and development of 4.2% in July and a 5.2% extension in the year-sooner period.
About IIP
- IIP is a composite marker estimating changes in the volume of generation of a bin of mechanical items over some undefined time frame, as for a picked base period.
- It is incorporated and distributed on a month to month premise by the Central Statistical Office with a period slack of about a month and a half from the reference month.
- Coal, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Refinery Product, Steel, Cement, and Electricity are known as Core Industries. The Eight Core Industries contains about 37.9 % of the heaviness of things remembered for the Index of Industrial Production (IIP).

Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II – International Affairs
In News
- Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali was granted the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize for “his significant work to advance compromise, solidarity and social equity”
- When Abiy became Prime Minister in 2018, Ethiopia had been secured strife with Eritrea for a long time. In July that year, he ventured over the outskirt in Eritrea and in participation with Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki, worked out the standards of a harmony understanding.
- Ethiopia is a landlocked nation, while Eritrea has an ocean coast that associates the Middle East.
- During that time of contention, Ethiopia had depended vigorously on Djibouti for access to the Gulf of Aden and forward to the Arabian Sea.
- The harmony bargain opened up Eritrean ports for Ethiopian use.
- In household accomplishments, he lifted Emergency, allowed acquittal to a great many political detainees, suspended media control, rejected pioneers associated with debasement, and expanded the impact of ladies in political and network life.
Do you know?
- Ethiopia is the most crowded landlocked nation on the planet and the second-most crowded country on the African mainland.
- Its capital and biggest city is Addis Ababa, which fills in as the central command of the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.

RTI violations go unpunished
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – Governance
In News
- As the RTI Act denotes its fourteenth commemoration on Saturday, a report card investigating its exhibition indicated that administration authorities face scarcely any discipline for damaging the law by denying candidates the genuine data looked for by them.
- The ‘Report Card on the Performance of Information Commissions in India’ was set up by the Satark Nagrik Sangathan and the Center for Equity Studies.
- The State and Central Information Commissions, which are the courts of the offer under the Act, neglected to force punishments in about 97% of the situations where the infringement occurred in 2018-19.
- The State Commissions of Tamil Nadu, Sikkim, Mizoram, and Tripura didn’t force punishments in any cases whatsoever.
- The report indicated that there were 2.18 lakh cases pending with the commissions in March 2019, in examination with 1.85 lakh pending cases a year sooner.
- Any new intrigue would need to stand by more than one-and-a-half years for goals. The excess is exacerbated by the way that four out of 11 CIC presents are yet to be filled.
- This demolishes the essential system of impetuses and disincentives incorporated with the RTI law, advances a culture of exemption and anger candidates who look for data at a significant expense and frequently against extraordinary chances
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- India and its neighborhood-relations.
- Reciprocal, local and worldwide groupings and understandings including India as well as influencing India’s inclinations.
Mamallapuram Summit
- Chinese President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Narendra Modi held “gainful” talks as a feature of the second India-China casual summit in the southern beachfront town of Mamallapuram in Tamil Nadu
- Modi took Xi to three notorious landmarks in the verifiable seaside city—Arjuna’s Penance, Panch Rathas and the Shore Temple. The landmarks go back to the Pallava period (fourth ninth century CE). One reason for picking Mamallapuram was to feature the contacts between the Pallava lords and China’s Fujian territory where Xi filled in as senator once.
- Talks among Modi and Xi were planned for expanding on the relationship reset that started in Wuhan in April a year ago.
- The expansive motivation incorporated their uncertain fringe question, exchange and individuals to-individuals contacts other than provincial and worldwide issues.
- summit was blurred by a progression of aggravations including an announcement by Xi disclosing to Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan that he was viewing the circumstance in Kashmir and would bolster Pakistan on issues identified with its center advantages
- India has named it as its interior issue and gave a sharp reaction to Xi’s remarks, that was additionally outstanding for its planning—under 48 hours in front of Xi’s appearance in India.
- China, on its part, has been apparently miserable about Indian military activities in Arunachal Pradesh, some 100km from the under-marketed outskirt between the two nations. China asserts the entire Arunachal Pradesh as a feature of its region.
- The U.S. what’s more, China was in a superior relationship. Beijing’s emphasis was completely on monetary improvement and “tranquil ascent”. It was additionally the start of the brilliant time of globalization and organized commerce that mollified the outskirts between large exchanging and speculation accomplices. Presently, U.S.- China ties have turned antagonistic when India is consistently improving its key organization with the US.
- Relations with Beijing are doubly basic for India as China is both a neighbor and a rising extraordinary force.
- There are auxiliary issues in ties — the limit question, the Pakistan factor, and authentic doubt.
- Extend Tactical commitment further, and for that, they ought not to permit key glitches direct terms for a reciprocal association.
- U.S needs India to swing to its side and join its Indo-Pacific technique, the undeclared point of which is to contain China’s ascent. China, clearly, doesn’t need India to swing to the opposite side.
- The Pakistan factor poses a potential threat over ties. With Mr. Modi’s hyper-patriot government adopting a forceful strategy towards Pakistan and taking action against Kashmir, China’s Pakistan card is presently more grounded
Trade and border:
- Since 1990, Ind-China has chosen to fortify ties in the Economy.
- Economy, as in the mid-1990s, India, following China’s strides, began changing its economy.
- Exchange ties between the two nations blasted throughout the years (it contacted $95 billion a year ago), however, it’s to a great extent slanted towards China as the last was quickly developing as a mechanical and innovative powerhouse.
- The outskirt has been to a great extent quiet during this period.
Way forward:
- China must make interests in India, particularly in building foundation and fifth era innovation design.
- India needs more noteworthy market access in China,
- India-China collaboration in ventures in third nations.
- India ought to draw in with Pakistan, which won’t just quiet down its outskirts yet, in addition, debilitate China’s Pakistan card
- Plan to take monetary connections to the following level, tending to shared concerns.
Model: During the 1950s and ’60s, the U.S. had a go at all that it could to debilitate and disengage Mao Zedong’s China. In any case, it didn’t stop President Nixon(U.S) from visiting China in 1972 that prompted a surprising turnaround in Sino-American ties.
- India should turn the concentration to its ascent and building limits, not on clashes and competitions.
- On the off chance that it’s driven by such a more extensive yet a pragmatist vision, India could grow the roads of profound strategic commitment with an amazing China.
Connecting the dots:
- Should India rival China for the predominance of Asia or would it be a good idea for it to remain focussed all alone ascent wherein rivalry with China will be a section? Break down.
- A country can pick its companions, however not its neighbors. Clarify
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Indian Economy and issues identifying with arranging, activation of assets, development, advancement, and business.
- Comprehensive development and issues emerging from it.
Downturn in India’s economy
- Total national output (GDP) development in the primary quarter of 2019-20 at 5% was the least in six years, even not exactly the last quarter of 2018-19 at 5.8%, which was the most minimal in five years.
- The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decreased its 2019-20 development figure from 6.9% to 6.1%.
- Moody’s Investors Service on cut its 2019-20 GDP development conjecture for India to 5.8 percent from 6.2 percent prior, saying the economy was encountering an articulated log jam which is somewhat identified with enduring elements.
- The projection is lower than 6.1 percent that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had conjecture
- Venture drove stoppage that has widened into utilization, driven by money-related worry among provincial family units and powerless occupation creation.
- private speculation has been generally frail since 2012, utilization — which makes up around 55 percent of GDP — had stayed powerful
- Asian Development Bank and the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development brought down 2019-20 development gauge for India by 50 premise focuses and 1.3 rate focuses to 6.5 percent and 5.9
- IMF said worldwide economy now in ‘synchronized log jam’
- Worldwide development will tumble to its most reduced rate in this decade
- Lull is developing markets like India and Brazil to be much progressively articulated
- In 2019, the IMF expects more slow development in about 90 percent of the world.
- Financial action is mellowing in cutting edge economies, for example, the US, Japan and, particularly, the eurozone,
- while in other developing markets, for example, India and Brazil, the log jam is considerably increasingly articulated for the current year.
- China’s quickened development is encountering a slow lessening
Impacts on India:
- A delayed time of more slow ostensible GDP development compels the extension for financial union
- Keeps the administration obligation trouble higher for longer contrasted and our past desires
- General government deficiency, which is probably going to stay wide
- Influenced the discretionary cash flow of families, with the goal that the expansion in private customer consumption has seen a droop, hosing development further from the interest side.
- The ramifications for the car part, which is the driver of assembling, and for development, which is a significant wellspring of work creation, are presently being felt.
- Venture rates as a level of GDP are dynamically lower. So are reserve funds rates. The stagnation in the dollar estimation of fares proceeds.
- The administration has been trying to claim ignorance mode about the lull.
- The Union spending plan introduced toward the beginning of July was a botched chance, did close to nothing,
- From that point forward, as an outcome of noteworthy changes presented in the financial backing, securities exchanges have plunged and business feeling has wallowed.
- Hypothesis and experience both recommend that tax reductions work with a period slack and absolutely never lead to a proportional increment in the venture. (Since Higher benefits exuding from lower expenses could be utilized by firms to rebuild obligation and tidy up their asset reports, increment profits paid to investors)
- Tax break increments the financial deficiency by 0.7% of GDP, contrasted and spending gauges for 2019-20.
Measures taken by govt:
- Measures to help the economy,
- Amending for botches on tax collection,
- Decriminalizing defaults on corporate social duty commitments,
- Disentangling laws identified with work, organizations, and nature,
- Streamlining government strategies,
- Encouraging capital streams in money related markets
- The administration sliced corporate annual assessment rates. The successful rate, including the additional charge, was decreased from 35% to 25%.
Connecting the dots:
- Financial downturns do have political results. Analysis
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
- Featured Comments and comments Up-voted by whataftercollege are the “correct answers”.
Q.1) Consider the following statements Right to Information Act, 2005
- Non-Resident Indians can also file RTI applications under the Act to seek governance-related information from Central government
- The State and Central Information Commissions act as the courts of appeal under the Act
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2) Consider the following statements about the Index of Industrial Production (IIP)
- It is released on a monthly basis by Central Statistical Office
- The revised 2011-12 series of IIP has increased the weight of electricity in comparison to the 2004-05 series of IIP
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Horn of Africa is home to which of the following countries?
- Djibouti
- Eritrea
- Kenya
- Ethiopia
- Rwanda
- Somalia
Select the correct answer from the codes given below
- 2, 4, 5 and 6
- 1, 2, 4 and 6
- 1, 3, 4 and 5
- 1, 2, 3 and 5
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