Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 14-10-2019
Current Affairs and News (14-10-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Mizoram is top State with HIV prevalence rate
- Education of mothers directly linked to better nutrition for children
- Many denied PDS rice due to non-seeding of Aadhaar
- ‘Foreign’ plastic invades Great Nicobar Island
- Project Beehive
- Statistical report for general election 2019
- Tax evasion and base erosion and profit shifting
- The economic slowdown in the country
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 14-10-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (14-10-2019)
Mizoram is top State with HIV prevalence rate
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Health
In News
- Mizoram, one of the least populated States in India, reports nine positive instances of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) a day.
- The infection “strike rate” has made Mizoram top the rundown of States with an HIV predominance pace of 2.04% pursued by two other north-eastern States — nearby neighbor Manipur with 1.43% and Nagaland with 1.15%.
- 67.21% of the positive cases from 2006 to March 2019 have been transmitted explicitly, 1.03% of the transmission course being gay.
- The following significant reason, representing 28.12% cases, is contaminated needles shared by intravenous medication clients.
- Individuals matured somewhere in the range of 25 and 34 are generally powerless, trailed by 35-49 years and 15-24 years. The HIV/AIDS predominance rates in these three age bunches are 42.38%, 26.46%, and 23.03% separately.
Do You Know?
- The complete number of individuals living with HIV was evaluated at 21.40 lakh in 2017.
- India saw more than 87,000 new cases in 2017 and saw a decay of 85% contrasted with 1995.
- HIV is transmitted from individual to individual through organic liquids including blood, semen, vaginal emissions, butt-centric liquids, and bosom milk
- Hostile to Retroviral Therapy – blend of day by day drugs that prevent the infection from repeating is utilized as a treatment for HIV contaminated people
Education of mothers directly linked to better nutrition for children
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Health
In News
- The Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey considered 1.2 lakh youngsters somewhere in the range of 2016 and 2018 and estimated nourishment utilization, anthropometric information, micronutrient levels, sickliness, iron insufficiency and markers of non-transmittable maladies.
- These were graphed against populace qualities, for example, religion, station, the spot of the home and the moms’ degrees of tutoring.
- Information from the investigation show that with more elevated levels of tutoring in a mother, youngsters got better eating regimens.
- While 31.8% of the kids whose moms completed Class XII got various dinners, just 11.4% whose moms with no tutoring got sufficiently differing suppers
- Just 49.8% of the youngsters in 2-4 years age bunch whose moms didn’t go to class expended dairy items, while 80.5% of the offspring of moms who finished their tutoring did as such.
- Levels of hindering, squandering and low weight were higher in kids whose moms got no tutoring instead of the individuals who concentrated till Class XII. Hindering among youngsters matured up to four was almost multiple times for the previous classification (19.3% versus 5.9%)
- In any case, on the other side, a more elevated level of instruction among moms implied that their kids got suppers less every now and again, maybe in light of the fact that the odds of the ladies being utilized and venturing out long separations to work
- Kids in the age gathering of 10-19 indicated a higher pervasiveness of pre-diabetes if their mom had completed the process of tutoring (15.1% versus 9.6%).
- The commonness of elevated cholesterol levels was at 6.2% in these youngsters (age gathering of 10-19) rather than 4.8% among those whose moms never went to class.

Many denied PDS rice due to non-seeding of Aadhaar
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Governance
In News
- The ‘One Nation, One Ration Card’ conspire is by all accounts not working for some in Odisha, as per a study that found that several individuals have not been given rice through the PDS to two months due to non-seeding of Aadhaar.
- The investigation likewise found that avoidance due to Aadhaar connecting is increasingly common in ancestral territories.
- The study was directed during the principal seven day stretch of October by the Odisha part of the National Right to Food Campaign, a casual system of associations and people taking a shot at right to nourishment issues
One Nation, One Ration card
- The national transportability of Ration cards will guarantee all recipients particularly the vagrants in gaining admittance to PDS the country over from any PDS shop of their own decision.
- This will give the opportunity to the recipients as they won’t be attached to anyone PDS shop and lessen their reliance on retailers and reduce examples of defilement.
- There will likewise be production of a Central Repository of all Ration Cards to assist national with leveling de-duplication.
- This activity will be useful for the enormous transient populace of the nation, who move starting with one piece of the nation then onto the next looking for occupation or work, marriage, or some other explanation, and discover trouble in getting to sponsored foodgrains in the present framework.
- The difficulties for this plan include that all PDS shops ought to introduce ePoS machines and all proportion cards must be seeded with Aadhaar numbers.
‘Foreign’ plastic invades Great Nicobar Island
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-III – Environment Conservation
In News
- Around 10 nations including India added to the plastic litter in the Great Nicobar island. They were Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, India, Myanmar, China, and Japan.
- A significant part of the litter (40.5%) was of Malaysian source. It was trailed by Indonesia (23.9%) and Thailand (16.3%). The litter of Indian root just added up to 2.2%
- The staggering commitment from Indonesia and Thailand was likely because of its vicinity to the island; the plastic is probably going to have advanced toward the island as a result of water flows by means of the Malacca Strait, which is a significant delivery course.
- The enormous amounts of marine garbage saw on this island may be because of inappropriate treatment of the strong waste from angling/mariculture action and ship traffic.
- Plastic contamination has risen as probably the severest danger to sea biological systems and its focus has arrived at 5,80,000 pieces for each square kilometer.
- Plastic speaks to 83% of the marine litter found. The staying 17% is for the most part materials, paper, metal, and wood.
Do You Know?
- The Great Nicobar Island of Andaman has a zone of around 1044 sq. km.
- As indicated by the 2011 registration, it has a populace of around 8,069.
- The island is home to one of the crudest clans of India — the Shompens.
- The island incorporates the Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve (GNBR) involving the Galathea National Park and the Campbell Bay National Park.
- The island harbors a wide range of biological systems from tropical wet evergreen woodlands, mountain ranges, and seaside fields.
- The island is likewise home to goliath burglar crabs, crab-eating macaques, the uncommon megapode just as leatherback turtles.
Project Beehive
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-III – Security
In News
- The Army’s Corps of Electronics and Mechanical Engineers (EME) has propelled a significant activity under Project Beehive for robotization of the whole Corps
- The goal is to empower constant checking and reaction of its 2,000 workshops the nation over.
- The Army is working together with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology on this and EME officials are a piece of the item advancement
- Every one of them will have the option to follow their gear and preparation in realtime. On a tick, all basic preparation states will be shown. The hardware, how much mileage was done, when is the following help due, etc. It permits simple conjecture of necessities
- The Army had before mechanized its workshops under WASP (Workshop honey bees) which is presently being moved up to be on the same level as Beehive.
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-III – Environment Conservation
In News
- ‘Plogging’ is a blend word shaped from ‘running’ and ‘plocka up’, which is Swedish for ‘get’.
- It alludes to a developing global pattern where individuals get waste while running or lively strolling as a method for tidying up litter while likewise dealing with wellness.
- The pattern was begun in Sweden by Erik Ahlström in 2016. On account of web-based life and informal, it has continuously transformed into a global development including both wellness and ecological aficionados.
- In India, the administration sorted out the Fit India Plog Run on October 2, as a component of the Fit India Movement propelled by the Prime Minister on August 29.
- In his Mann Ki Baat address on September 29, PM Modi asked individuals to begin blogging for a without litter India.
- As per Ahlström, plogging for 30 minutes will consume in any event 288 calories on a normal when contrasted with 235 calories from standard running.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-I – Art & Culture
In News
- A multi day-long celebration of Baul melodies named Indo-Bangla Baul Music Festival closed in Dhaka which was composed to watch the 129th passing commemoration of Baul holy person Fakir Lalon Shah.
- Baul music is a type of people music, one of a kind to Bangladesh and West Bengal of India.
- The word Baul signifies “burdened with the breeze sickness” and the Baul vocalists are generally meandering minstrels singing their specific type of people music.
- The verses and music are soul looking, very tantamount to the class of Sufi music.
- In 2005, the Baul convention of Bangladesh was remembered for the rundown of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
Statistical report for general election 2019
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – Governance
In News
- The Election Commission of India has formally discharged the factual report for the general political race 2019.
- A portion of the key discoveries of the report are:
- The general surveying rate in the last parliamentary political race, including postal voting forms, was 67.4%, which is the most elevated ever turnout in a Lok Sabha survey.
- About 86% of the 8,026 applicants in the ongoing Lok Sabha survey relinquished their stores.
- The national turnout among ladies balloters was barely higher at 67.18% when contrasted with male voters (67%). The turnout of ladies voters outperformed the male turnout figures in 17 states/Union Territories, including Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Jharkhand.
- According to the state-wise turnout figures, Lakshadweep recorded the most elevated turnout at 85.21% overall states and UTs, trailed by Nagaland (83%). Jammu and Kashmir recorded the least turnout at 44.97%.
- Dhubri in Assam rose as the voting public with the most noteworthy turnout of 90.66% while Anantnag in J&K recorded the least turnout of 8.98%
- Postal voting forms got in the 2019 parliamentary survey totaled around 28 lakh, however, just around 22.8 lakh were seen as substantial with more than 5 lakh dismissed.
- On the last vote portion of national gatherings, BJP surveyed 37.76% of legitimate votes, Congress 19.7%, Trinamool 4.11%, BSP 3.67%, CPM 1.77%, NCP 1.4%, and CPI 0.59%.
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
Indian Economy and issues identifying with arranging, preparation of assets, development, advancement, and business.
Comprehensive development and issues emerging from it.
Tax evasion and base erosion and profit shifting
- Indian government edgy to raise more duty incomes.
- It missed its duty targets last financial year, (poor merchandise and enterprises charge (GST) assortments).
- Its pronounced budgetary objective for the present year requires charge receipts to increment by around 25% when the main quarter increment was just 6%.
MNCs Tax Evasion:
- MNCs figure out how to keep away from tax collection in many nations, by moving their proclaimed expenses and incomes through exchange evaluating crosswise over auxiliaries, rehearses portrayed as “base disintegration and benefit moving” (BEPS).
- Computerized organizations, the absolute biggest of which make billions of dollars in benefits over the globe, yet pay scarcely any expenses anyplace.
- The International Monetary Fund has evaluated that nations lose $500 billion per year along these lines.
Base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS):
- Base disintegration and benefit moving (BEPS) alludes to corporate duty arranging systems utilized by multinationals to “move” benefits from higher–charge purviews to bring down assessment wards, along these lines “dissolving” the “charge base” of the higher–charge locales
- The Organization for Economic Co-activity and Development (OECD) characterize BEPS systems as likewise “misusing holes and jumbles in charge rules
- Activities to control BEPS by the OECD and the Trump organization have fizzled.
Way forward:
Thought Proposed by the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation, or ICRICT
- Since an MNC really works as one element, it ought to be dealt with that route for charge purposes. So the all-out worldwide benefits of a global ought to be determined, and afterward distributed crosswise over nations as per some equation dependent on deals, business, and clients (for advanced companies).Ex: US
- A base corporate expense ought to be universally settled upon for this to avoid organizations moving to low duty purviews (ICRICT has recommended 25%)
- The Indian government has just proposed in a white paper that it could take such a one-sided activity for advanced organizations.
The OECD G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project (or BEPS Project):
- It is an OECD/G20 undertaking to set up a global structure to battle charge shirking by worldwide ventures (“MNEs”) utilizing base disintegration and benefit moving apparatuses
- The point of the task is to alleviate charge code escape clauses and nation-to-nation irregularities so companies can’t move benefits from a nation with a high corporate duty rate to nations with a low assessment rate.
- Execution stage, 116 nations are included, including a dominant part of creating nations.
- The BEPS venture hopes to create multilateral exchange and could be accomplished gratitude to a fruitful global collaboration, unavoidable with regards to such a local and sovereign subject.
- The European Commission and the US have singularly taken activities in 2017-2018 that actualize a few key proportions of the BEPS venture
- Discretionary partition between what OECD calls “schedule” and “remaining” benefits, and the suggestion that solitary leftover benefits will be dependent upon unitary tax collection. This has no monetary defense since benefits are in any case net of different expenses and intrigue.
- The proposition doesn’t obviously indicate the criteria for deciding routine benefits
- Equation to be utilized to circulate assessable benefits. The OECD recommends just deals incomes as the rule, however, creating nations would miss out from this since they are regularly the makers of items that are devoured in the propelled economies.
- A legislature that is as of now incapable of doing combating both monetary log jams and declining charge incomes can’t bear to disregard this urgent chance.
Connecting the dots:
The International Monetary Fund has evaluated that nations lose $500 billion every year due to “base disintegration and benefit moving” (BEPS). Inspect.
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Indian Economy and issues identifying with arranging, activation of assets, development, advancement, and business.
- Comprehensive development and issues emerging from it.
The economic slowdown in the country
- Private utilization has contracted and is at an 18-quarter low of 3.1%
- Rustic utilization is in a profound southward plunge and is twofold the pace of the urban log jam
- Credit off-take by smaller scale and little businesses stays dormant;
- Net fares have indicated almost no development;
- Gross domestic product development is at a six-year low with the main quarter of FY20 enrolling just 5%;
- Joblessness is at a 45-year-high.
- The specialized term for the equivalent is a development downturn.
- A downturn is characterized in financial aspects as three continuous quarters of compression in GDP. In any case, since India is a huge creating economy, withdrawal is an irregularity.
- The last example of negative development for India was in 1979.
- A development downturn is increasingly typical where the economy keeps on developing however at a more slow pace than expected for a continued period, what India has been confronting these days.
- The development of the Indian economy had been prevailed by utilization comprehensive of both — Private Final Consumption Expenditure (PFCE) just as the Government Final Consumption Expenditure (GFCE).
- The ongoing sharp fall in PFCE in the June quarter to 3.1 percent contrasted with 7.2 percent in the March quarter has fundamentally added to the ongoing log jam.
- A significant segment of India’s GDP is speculation, prompted by both — private and government areas. It has been a key driver of development since the advancement of 1991, fell by 6.2 rate focuses in 2014-19 than in 2011-14
Other Reasons:
- Halfway determined by residential issues like dismissed ranchers
- Debilitating worldwide economy
- Mr. Trump’s fusillade of exchange clashes.
- A weekend ago’s assault on two Saudi Arabia’s oil offices, which sent the worldwide cost of oil taking off, underscored exactly how powerless India and other creating nations are to outer factors outside their ability to control.
- The shade of terrible bank advances, combined with ongoing defaults by nonbank money related firms, has controlled loaning to customers and organizations.
- Approach choices by India’s focal and state governments have declined the nation’s downturn
For instance, Auto producers: New wellbeing and outflows norms expanded the expense of vehicles, nine states raised assessments on vehicle deals and the banks and money organizations that reserve vendors and 80 percent of buyer vehicle buys were incapacitated by the credit crunch.
- The material business, which utilizes around 45 million individuals and is India’s second-biggest boss after agribusiness, is meaningful of the nation’s trouble.
Measures taken and their impacts :
- As of late reported Bank mergers further upset a significant piece of the financial framework in the coming year.
- As of late declared bundle for the vehicle part or making, banks give loan cost slices to organizations have little effect
- The declaration of an exchange of Rs 1.76 lakh crore from the RBI to the administration will enable the legislature to keep up the monetary deficiency focus at 3.3%. Be that as it may, this won’t give the required boost. ( monetary shortage today is 9%)
- The government reconsidered GST for the vehicle segment, opened up FDI in the contract fabricating segment and even reported the recapitalization of the financial part.
Way forward:
- Concentrate on the ideal use of assets allowed by RBI and direct them to help interest in the economy both infrastructural and research ventures.
- Auxiliary moves as time goes on can be accomplished by taking advantage of the wellbeing and training areas that long for quality enhancements.
- Just enduring basic changes can improve the development capability of the Indian economy and discourage the probability of three stoppages inside the limited ability to focus 10 years.
Connecting the dots:
- Downturn can be brief if restorative moves are made quickly, the disappointment of which can prolongedly affect the soundness of an economy. Look at
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
- Featured Comments and comments Up-voted by whataftercollege are the “correct answers”.
Q.1) Galathea National Park and the Campbell Bay National Park is located in which State/Union Territory?
- Uttar Pradesh
- Lakshadweep Islands
- Odisha
- Andaman & Nicobar islands
Q.2) Baul music is predominant in which State/region of India?
- Andhra Pradesh
- Gujarat
- West Bengal
- South India
Q.3)Consider the following statements
- The overall polling percentage in 2019 Lok Sabha General elections was 67.4%, which is the highest ever turnout in a Lok Sabha poll.
- The national turnout among women electors was lower as compared to male electors in 2019 Lok Sabha Elections
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Consider the following statements about Plogging
- It involves people picking up trash while jogging or brisk walking as a way of cleaning up litter while also taking care of fitness
- It was started in Paris during the 2015 Climate deal to spread awareness among people about sustainable lifestyle
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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