Top 10 College Fest to Visit in Tamil Nadu 2019
Tamil Nadu is an Indian state located at the most southern part of India and shares its boundary with the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal, allowing it’s capital city Chennai to become a major trade hub. Chennai is famous for a lot of things. For instance, it has an artificial (man-made) harbour and a fantastic international airport.
Besides this, Tamil Nadu is known for its Engineering colleges there a lot of universities in Chennai starting from IIT Madras to the VIT.
Of course, Chennai is a fast developing city with unlimited job opportunities for everyone but mostly IT students.
Anyhow where here to talk about the colleges of Tamil Nadu, to be specific- college fests of Tamil Nadu.
These are not particularly arranged in any order but these are the top 10 college fests in Tamil Nadu; both the TECHNICAL FESTS and CULTURAL FESTS are considered.
Top 10 College Fest to Visit in Tamil Nadu 2019
First College Fest to visit in Tamil Nadu
Saarang: IIT Madras
IIT Madras is a prominent institute with high standards. Their cultural fests previously known as ‘Saarang’ was the biggest cultural fest in entire south India (no surprise there)! With our 50000 attendance and it lasted about 5 days with a ton famous celebrities like Kamal Hassan who attended this event.
Second College Fest to visit in Tamil Nadu
Rivera: VIT
VIT is definitely the number 1 private college in south India at least. This college has a lot of foreign exchange students making it possible for them to organize and celebrate an international level fest, and they did! It’s called ‘Riviera’ and it’s more of a sports festival and a little bit of culture as well. It lasts about 4 days and in 2016, a football competition was held with 650 colleges taking part in it with 30000+ spectators actively following the competition.
Third College Fest to visit in Tamil Nadu
Aruush: SRM
It is also a private university which shares more similarities with VIT and has many branches in every part of south India with a dedicated branch in New Delhi as well. Their fest is known as ‘Aaruush’. It mainly focuses on the technical workshops and events related to engineering and competitions are also held along with some cultural events.Aruush: SR
Fourth College Fest to visit in Tamil Nadu
Kurukshetra: College of Engineering, Guindy
This is a government run college which can rival the likes of IITs and it’s pretty tough to get into this college. But it’s easy to get into its annual fest which has a excellent name ‘Kurukshetra’,an international techno-management fest. This college is pretty old and very famous for its fest; students from all over the world will attend it every year. The competition here is just like the epic Mahabharata.
Fifth College Fest to visit in Tamil Nadu
Pragyan: NIT Tiruchirappalli
Another government institute which is not as famous as the IIT but still is a prominent institute which celebrates its technical fest called ‘Pragyan’ which lasts for a total of 4 days. It has cool events like ‘Robo wars!’ and much more.
Sixth College Fest to visit in Tamil Nadu
Anokha: Amrita School of Engineering
Much like the name, Amrita School of Engineering is pretty strict and infamous for its many rules and strict policies spoken by many of other students(which can be rumors, most of them are!)
But it is still known for its cultural values and it’s upholding of Hindu traditions.
‘Anokha’,the National Engineering tech fest of Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, is a 3-day congregation of some of the brightest minds in India.
Seventh College Fest to visit in Tamil Nadu
Mitafest: Madras institute of technology
This is also a government owned college. It’s not that great when compared to the IIT but there’s a catch. Mitafest is the oldest intercollege fest in the entire region of Chennai making it unique. There are some important celebrity guests who often visit this fest.
Eighth College Fest to visit in Tamil Nadu
Kurukshetra: Sastra University
Rumored to be one of the toughest colleges to get an admission, it’s fest is also known as ‘Kuruksastra’ but it’s not the same as the other one. But the meaning and derivation remain the same i.e battles in various events for glory and prizes.t College Fest to visit in Tamil Nadu
Ninth College Fest to visit in Tamil Nadu
Stress: Annamalai University
This is a bit special. This college is one the most famous colleges in Tamil Nadu as such it is run by the State Government. Their fest is called ‘STRESS’- yes, it’s called stress and it’s mainly a tech fest.
Tenth College Fest to visit in Tamil Nadu
Sakura: HIT
Hindustan Institute of Technology or HIT is popular among the students even though it’s just ranked as deemed to be a university. It’s renowned for its aeronautical engineering and has a dedicated fest called ‘Sakura’ while there are other fests but this much more important.
These are the few unique and popular fests in Tamil Nadu. These are ranked on my perception, which is based on the number of people who attended it and the reputation of the college itself. Again these are not in any particular order and these above-mentioned data is only valid for some time, as new fests may emerge later on.