Career is a term which gives sleepless nights to majority of students and parents in India, what to choose after your board exam results is still the most difficult question that has to be dealt with by many. There are varieties of career options available to the students, the only challenge is to find the one most suitable based on one’s aptitude. Another challenge is that there are plenty of entrance examinations which are highly competitive and securing a seat in one of the prestigious college is a pretty difficult task. We will discuss about the top 5 Career options and exams in India.

The evergreen branch, engineering is a field which requires dedication along with strong analytical and mathematical abilities. Creativity is also among the basic necessity to become a successful engineer. It stands as the number one career option in India. Students after completing 12th standard in Science branch has to attempt and clear entrance examinations such as JEE Mains, SRMEE, VITEE, BITSAT etc. to get admissions in any of the engineering colleges in India. B. Tech is a 4-year course.

Taking a career in Medicine Field requires immense dedication. Being a Doctor, or Medical Practitioner demand high level of precision and Selflessness. For Admissions next year into any of the prestigious Medical Colleges One has to clear one of the most difficult entrance examination in India, by filling NEET 2018 form in Online or offline mode. There is various other entrance examination for admissions in private medical colleges too. If you are into service and want to cure people, this is the perfect career option for you. MBBS is a 5-year course.

What can be better than designing beautiful homes and building? Architects are people who brings out the best possible design solution for homes and buildings in terms of aesthetics and practicality. Being an architect is not so easy as it sounds, it requires high level of creativity and having good drawing skills is always a plus. B. Arch is a 5-year course and various Entrance Examinations like IT-JEE, GATE, UPSEE, BITSAT and State level or entrance test has to be cleared to secure admissions for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in India.

Bachelor of Science
This degree offers direct specialization in a subject and offers wide variety of branches of specialization. It is a 3- year course. The branches offered are Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Astronomy, Forensic Science, Geology, Statistics, Industrial Chemistry, Nautical Science, Home Science, Nutrition, Clothing and Textile, Extension and Communication, Environmental Science, Human Development and Family Studies, Fashion Design, Fashion Technology, etc.

Business Administration and Management Studies
Business is a sector which will never die, the world is driven by business and its opportunities are so vast. For those whose minds are hardwired for business has a perfect career option by learning about business and management sciences. The courses provided are Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Management Studies (NMS), B. Com, Banking and Insurance (BBI-3 years), Charted Accountancy (CA), Company Secretary (CS)