If you have recently moved abroad, your child’s education will undoubtedly be one of your main priorities. In most instances, parents will choose an international school, usually the top one that they can afford, for their schooling but obviously, this can come at considerable expense. So, if you are educating your children in an international school, you will want to be confident that they will reap the rewards not only in the short-term but in the long term too.
Choosing the right international school is vital, one that will offer quality education with excellent facilities and conscientious, highly qualified teaching staff. It is highly unlikely that they will gain the benefits that you expect if the standard of teaching is not what you expect or your child is unhappy. Here are some of the long-term benefits that your child will get from attending a quality international school.
Taught in their native language and the same curriculum
If your child is midway through their education, back in the UK, for example, then there must be some continuity. Being taught in their native language and following the same curriculum will help them to achieve the grades that they are destined to achieve. Most of the more recognised curriculums are taught in Hong Kong, so finding a school that matches what your child is familiar shouldn’t be too challenging. It is essential to your child’s long-term success.
Most parents recognise the importance of this, but it is nevertheless something that should be acknowledged. Some parents make compromises which is ill-advised and will almost inevitably be detrimental to your child’s long-term future, certainly with regards to their academic success.

Qualifications are internationally recognised
The qualifications that your child receives, such as GCSEs, will be internationally recognised something vital to their long-term success. Although this is less of a problem in a place like Hong Kong, again it is an area in which parents should never compromise. All students need qualifications that an employer or university in their home country will recognise. Without them, they are unlikely to be accepted in the university of their choice or be selected for top positions in industry.
It is something that is very closely connected with choosing the right curriculum and should be considered from the very start of your child’s education. In these cases, where you may return to your home or another country, it may restrict which schools that they can attend which will, of course, be damaging to long-term prospects or at least delay their education.
High standard of teaching in better schools
It should go without saying that the standard of teaching plays a pivotal role in your child’s education. International schools, the top ones at least, will employ highly-qualified teachers with international qualifications and experience. The superior standard of teaching will help your children to achieve higher grades and enjoy their schooling, something that will stand them in good stead for their future after school.
It is always worth asking other parents, if possible, about their opinions on the teaching staff. While being highly qualified is crucial, it doesn’t always equate to them having the skills to convey the message to pupils. The only way that you will get a feel for this is by asking other parents, but bear in mind, that teaching can be quite personal, and some pupils and teachers may not be compatible through no fault of the teacher.
A large percentage of pupils go on to top universities
Although figures will vary from school to school, as a general rule, a higher percentage of pupils that attend an international school go on to top universities. Although some argue that this carries less weight in future life than it did a generation ago, most employers would look upon this favourably. It is something that is testimony to the standard of teaching in international schools that facilitates the opportunity for children to achieve their true potential.
Get a broader education
One of the significant benefits of international schools in both the short and the long-term is that pupils get a broader education. Often there are more opportunities for overseas travel as well as extracurricular activities. This type of experience will broaden your child’s horizons along with being impressive on a CV which, naturally, will be beneficial long-term. A word of warning, however, these types of activities are typically excluded from the school fees so you must account for this when you are setting your budget.
Get to mix with different nationalities
Most international schools welcome children from around the world, something that is rarely the case in conventional schools back in your country. It is something that allows students to appreciate different cultures and beliefs, thus making them more open-minded. In the modern workplace, although not one of the primary reasons for employing a candidate, it will undoubtedly be looked upon favourably – again providing a long-term benefit.
Often appreciate and enjoy their education more
Students that attend international school tend to appreciate and enjoy their learning more. Of course, this is something that makes them more motivated to achieve their potential and is down solely to the attitude of the student. It is something that has been noted by numerous universities and employers with it being acknowledged that this motivation and willingness work is transferable to other environments.
In any walk of life, a happy individual tends to be more productive and more successful so, if this has been cultivated from an early age, it is very encouraging for the future.
Often better facilities
As a general rule, the top international schools have far better facilities than those that are available in state schools back home. They tend to receive higher levels of funding, thanks to charging fees, and in some cases, even receive sponsorship from companies. Better facilities will inevitably improve the learning experience for students and once again make it more enjoyable. As already mentioned, this is something that has many long-term benefits.