Are you looking for learning python? In this article, you will get to know the use of python in Netflix and how they manage the traffic of millions of users swiftly. So let’s explore how Netflix uses python.
Netflix’s primary business is its membership-based streaming service. It offers online streaming of a library of films and television programs, including those created in-house. Netflix has over 182 million paid subscriptions worldwide.
Netflix has uncovered how it makes use of the most trending language, Python, for its infrastructure. So now let’s move on to see the use of python in Netflix.
Use Of Python In Netflix

Engineers at Netflix revealed the use of Python in Netflix they say that python is used through the full content lifecycle. From deciding which content to fund all the way to operating the CDN that serves the final video to 182 million members. Netflix uses python nearly for every edge of there business.
Now, let’s take a look at how Netflix actually uses python for different domains:
Open Connect
Open Connect is Netflix’s content delivery network (CDN). All the Content is placed on the network of servers in the Open Connect CDN. All the content delivered to the end-user is looked after by this CDN.
Different software systems are needed to design, construct, and operate this CDN infrastructure, and a large number of them are written in Python. The network devices that underlie a large portion of the CDN are mostly managed by Python applications explaining a big role of python in Netflix.
Demand Engineering
Demand Engineering is responsible for Regional Failovers, Traffic Distribution, Capacity Operations, and Fleet Efficiency of the Netflix cloud. Engineers at Netflix say that most of the team’s tools are built primarily in Python.
To further explain the role of python in Netflix look at these libraries. NumPy and SciPy are the libraries utilized for scientific computing, Netflix utilizes these Python libraries to perform numerical analysis. Boto3 is the Software Development Kit (SDK) of AWS (Amazon Web Services) for Python, this allows python developers to allow development in the infrastructure. RQ (Redis Queue) is a Python library that helps keep track of tasks that are present in the queue and allows their execution. Netflix utilizes Flask (Python Web Development Library) API’s to tie all of the previous segments together.
Big Data
The Big Data team is responsible for providing all services and to execute ETL (extract, transform, load) and Adhoc pipelines. A major part of this orchestration is written in Python. This team uses a scheduler that runs on Jupyter Notebooks with papermill to produce job types with templates like Spark and Presto. This allows our users to have a standardized and easy way to express work that needs to be executed.
In addition to this role of python in Netflix, the team has also created an event-driven platform that is written completely on Python. They have created a number of events and combined them into a single tool. This allows Netflix to filter, react, and route events.
Pygenie client is built by the team. It is also a part of this infrastructure that interfaces with Genie, a featured job execution service. These libraries are the primary way users interface programmatically with work in the Big Data platform.
Machine Learning Infrastructure
Use of python in Netflix is extensively for Personalization Machine Learning Infrastructure to train some of the Machine Learning models for key aspects of the Netflix experience: from our recommendation algorithms to artwork personalization to marketing algorithms.
Various libraries are used for different purposes. For learning deep neural networks TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch are used. For Gradient Boosted Decision Trees they use XGBoost and LightGBM. They have also developed a few higher-level libraries to help with different work areas.
Apart from these Netflix uses Metaflow (a Python framework) that makes it easy to create Machine Learning projects from the prototype stage to production.
Information Security
The Information Security team uses python in Netflix for purposes like security automation and risk classification using Security Monkey; To protect the SSH resources they use BLESS; They generate TLS certificates using Lemur; Also RepoKid is used to grant IAM permissions.
Netflix Animation and NVFX
Python in Netflix is used for all of the major applications Netflix uses to create Animated and VFX content. All Netflix integrations with Maya and Nuke are in Python, and the bulk of their Shotgun tools are also in Python.
Alerting And Statistical Analytical Work
Python in Netflix is used for statistical and mathematical libraries such as NumPy, Scipy, Ruptures, Pandas to help automate the analysis of 1000s of related signals when our alerting systems indicate problems.
Video Encoding and Media Cloud Engineering
This team is liable for encoding and re-encoding tasks for the Netflix catalog. Python in Netflix is utilized for more than 50 projects, such as VMAF ( Video Multi-Method Assessment Fusion), MezzFS(Mezzanine File System), Computer Vision Solutions utilizing Archer.
Experimentation Platform
This is a platform created by the scientific experimentation team to allow A/B testing. Here, scientists and engineers can present new innovations in data, statistics, and visualization.
The Metrics Repo (a Python framework) based on PyPika it allows contributors to write reusable parameterized SQL queries. For the statistics sector, PyArrow and RPy2 are used so as to calculate statistics in either Python or R. Plotly is used for visualizations.

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