Highlights |IAS Current Affairs 11-11-2019
Current Affairs and News (11-11-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Kalapani
- HS Code
- Zero Carbon Law
- World’s first CNG port terminal
- T.N.Seshan
- Ayodhya dispute
- Protests in Chile and Lebanon
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IAS Coaching Current Affairs 11-11-2019 are followed in the part below:
IAS Current Affairs and News Analysis (11-11-2019)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – International Relations
In News
- The new political guide of India, as of late discharged by the administration to represent the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir, shows Kalapani as a major aspect of Indian region.
- Kalapani is a 372-sq km territory mapped inside Uttarakhand, circumscribing far-west Nepal and Tibet.
- While the Nepal government and ideological groups have dissented, India has said the new guide doesn’t change the current limit with Nepal and precisely portrays the sovereign region of India.
- The Nepal’s Western limit with India was set apart out in the Treaty of Sugauli between the East India Company and Nepal in 1816.
- However,Nepali specialists guarantee that individuals living in the low-thickness zone were remembered for the Census of Nepal until 58 years prior.
- In 2014, Foreign Minister Mahendra Bahadur Pande guaranteed that the late King Mahendra had “gave over the region to India”. By certain records in Nepal, this supposedly occurred in the wake of India-China War of 1962.
- A board shaped by the Nepal government to ponder this case presented a report to Prime Minister Oli during his first residency. It asserted that India had “involved” an extra 62 sq km land.
- Two-sided talks: The Prime Ministers of the two nations examined the issue in 2000, with Atal Bihari Vajpayee guaranteeing Nepal that India would not possess even an inch of Nepal.
- Aside from Kalapani, another uncertain issue includes a huge territory along the Nepal-Uttar Pradesh fringe. During his visit to Nepal in 2014, Prime Minister Modi had said that the Susta and Kalapani issues would be sifted through.

HS code
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III – Economy
In News
- The Ministry of Commerce and Industry distributed a different Harmonized System (HS) code for Khadi.
- The Harmonized System, or just ‘HS’, is a six-digit distinguishing proof code created by the World Customs Organization (WCO).
- Called the “general financial language” for merchandise, it is a multipurpose universal item classification.
- More than 200 nations utilize the framework as a reason for their traditions taxes, gathering worldwide exchange insights, making exchange approaches, and for checking merchandise.
- The framework helps in blending of customs and exchange strategies, subsequently reducingcosts in global exchange
- The nonattendance of a different HS code obstructed Khadi from accomplishing its maximum capacity, as its fares were hard to sort and ascertain. The most recent move is relied upon to help settle this issue.
Zero Carbon Law
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Environment Conservation
In News
- New Zealand’s Parliament passed The Zero-Carbon Act, which will submit New Zealand to zero carbon emanations by 2050 or sooner, as a major aspect of the nation’s endeavors to meet its Paris atmosphere accord responsibilities.
- This is the primary enactment on the planet to make a legitimately restricting promise to living inside 1.5 degrees Celsius of a dangerous atmospheric devation.
- The key points of the Act include:
- Diminish every single ozone depleting substance (with the exception of methane) to net zero by 2050,
- Diminish outflows of biogenic methane (created from organic sources) up to 24-47 percent beneath 2017 levels by 2050 and to 10 percent underneath 2017 levels by 2030
- Set up a free Climate Change Commission
- Set up an arrangement of emanations spending plan.
About Biogenic methane
- It is discharged by domesticated animals, squander treatment and wetlands.
- The Act proposes separate focuses for biogenic methane since methane is a brief gas and corrupts into the environment throughout the decades despite the fact that it is a more intense ozone harming substance than carbon dioxide
Do You Know?
- New Zealand is very much situated to attempt steps to moderate environmental change. Its ability to create power from inexhaustible assets is at 80 percent, and it is progressing in the direction of eliminating the utilization of seaward oil and gas.
- New Zealand government envisions that GDP and family unit livelihoods in New Zealand will keep on rising, limiting the expense of adjusting to environmental change for the residents.
- Internationally, there are more than 1500 laws on environmental change, more than 100 of which were presented after the presentation of the Paris Agreement and more than 28 of them expressly reference the understanding.
World’s first CNG port terminal
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Energy
In News
- The Gujarat government offered endorsement to a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) terminal at Bhavnagar port with a proposed speculation of Rs 1,900 crore.
- Bhavnagar Port is being managed by Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB), which marked an update of comprehension (MoU) with the Foresight Group during the Vibrant Gujarat Summit held in January 2019
- The proposed CNG terminal will have a freight ability to deal with of 1.5 million metric ton for every annum (MMTPA).
- The consortium of organization will likewise create offices like Ro-Ro terminal, fluid freight terminal and compartment terminal at Bhavnagar port
- The GMB deals with the current port at Bhavnagar, having an ability to deal with three MMTPA load, and the new terminals would take the general ability to nine MMTPA.
About CNG
- CNG is made by packing flammable gas, (which is primarily made out of methane, CH4), to under 1% of the volume it involves at standard climatic weight.
- CNG is a non-renewable energy source substitute for petroleum, diesel, or LPG.
- CNG is less expensive – CNG is just about 33% the cost of super oil, bringing about considerable investment funds in fuel costs.
- CNG lessens support cost – CNG contains no added substances and consumes neatly leaving no side-effects of burning to pollute your flash fittings and motor oil.
- CNG is greater condition amicable – Harmful emanations, for example, carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2 and nitrous oxide (N2O) can be decreased by as much as 95% when contrasted with fuel controlled vehicles.
Maternal death rate declining
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II -Health
In News
- India’s Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) has seen a decay from 130 for each 1 lakh live births in 2014-2016 to 122 for every 1 lakh live births in 2015-2017.
- According to the WHO maternal demise is the passing of a lady while pregnant or inside 42 days of end of pregnancy, independent of the span and site of pregnancy, from any reason identified with or bothered by the pregnancy or its administration however not from unplanned or coincidental causes.
- The significant entanglements that record for about 75% of every single maternal passing are: serious dying, contaminations (for the most part after labor), hypertension during pregnancy, confusions from conveyance and hazardous fetus removal.
- The WHO says the MMR dropped by 38% worldwide somewhere in the range of 2000 and 2017. Be that as it may, an expected 810 ladies kicked the bucket each day in 2017 from preventable makes related pregnancy and labor.
- In India, from 2015 to 2017 shows 68% of passings were among ladies in the age gathering of 20-29.
- About 4% of passings were in the age gathering of 15 to 19 which features the issue of early relationships and adolescent pregnancies in India.
Do You Know?
- General wellbeing activities under the National Health Mission, for example, LaQshya, Poshan Abhiyan, Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan, Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram, Janani Suraksha Yojana and Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana have added to decay of MMR in India.
- India is currently dedicated to guaranteeing that not a single parent or infant passes on because of a preventable reason and move towards zero preventable maternal and infant passings through the as of late propelled Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan Initiative (SUMAN).
- The WHO had a year ago commended India’s advancement in lessening the MMR, saying the advancement puts the nation on track towards accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) focus of a MMR beneath 70 by 2030.

Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains IV – Ethics
In News
- Mr. Seshan had a place with the 1955 clump of Tamil Nadu framework officials of the IAS.
- At the Center, Mr. Seshan held a few positions, including Environment and Forests Secretary, Defense Secretary and later, Cabinet Secretary
- When Chandra Shekhar became Prime Minister with the help of the Congress, Mr. Seshan was made CEC in December 1990
- T.N. Seshan, as CEC during 1990-96, started the way toward tidying up the constituent framework. The presentation of balloters’ photograph personality cards was a measure towards this bearing.
- He additionally made sure that the model set of accepted rules, till then thought to be an archive of scholastic intrigue, was paid attention to by the gatherings and up-and-comers
- In the mid-1990s, Mr. Seshan was viewed as a crusader against debasement and appointive misbehaviors.
- His work was perceived universally when he was given the Ramon Magsaysay grant for 1996.
- In July 1997, Mr. Seshan fruitlessly challenged the presidential political race against K.R. Narayanan.
TOPIC: General Studies 1:
- Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism & secularism.
Ayodhya dispute
- A five-judge Bench of the Supreme Court has permitted the development of a sanctuary in the Babri Masjid-Ram Janmabhoomi site in Ayodhya,
- Likewise requested the award of a five-section of land plot to the U.P. Focal Sunni Wakf Board for the development of a mosque.
Back ground:
- The Ayodhya contest is a political, verifiable and socio-strict discussion in India, fixated on a plot of land in the city of Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh.
- The Babri Masjid was demolished during a political assembly in December 1992.
- Hindus accepted that the Babri Masjid, was worked in Ayodhya in the wake of decimating a Ram Temple that denoted the origin of the divinity.
- The Hindu gatherings needed the land to themselves, fighting that Lord Ram was conceived at a spot on which later the focal arch of the mosque was assembled.
- The Muslim gatherings, accepted that the mosque was built in 1528 by Mir Baqi, an authority of Babur’s military, without destroying wherever of love and the space was legitimately theirs.
First time court:
- The issue went to court as far back as 1885.
- Mahant Raghubar Dass documented a suit as “mahant of the janmasthan” for consent to manufacture a sanctuary on a 17 feet x 21 feet Chabutra (stage) outside the mosque.
- Expelled the suit.
Landmark events:
- Clandestine planting of the symbols in 1949
- A neighborhood court requested that the locks be opened for Hindu admirers giving a major push to the sanctuary development
Allahabad high court judgement 2010:
- Allahabad High Court decided that the 2.77 sections of land (1.12 ha) of Ayodhya land be partitioned into three sections, with 1⁄3 heading off to the Ram Lalla or Infant Rama spoke to by the Hindu Maha Sabha, 1⁄3 setting off to the Sunni Waqf Board and the remaining 1⁄3 going to Nirmohi Akhara.
- The judgment confirmed that the contested land was the origination of Rama according to the confidence and conviction of Hindus, and that the Babri Masjid was worked after the destruction of a Hindu sanctuary, noticing that it wasn’t worked as per the precepts of Islam.
SC Judgment 2019:
- Abandoned the past choice and decided that the land had a place with the administration per charge records.
- It further arranged the land to be given over to a trust to manufacture the Hindu sanctuary.
- It likewise requested to the administration to give exchange 5 section of land to Sunni Waqf Board to fabricate the mosque.
Status of Ayodhya:
- Absence of advancement, in spite of the town being found only 125 km from the State capital.
- Absence of employments and venture
- Poor framework
- Immature the travel industry economy have kept Ayodhya a long ways behind other significant Hindu strict focuses like Mathura and Varanasi.
- The sharp occasions disturbed day by day life and business, yet in addition imperiled public amicability in the area.
Connecting the dots:
- Ayodhya turned into the centrestage for common legislative issues and a device for polarization before races. Examine
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests
- Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian Diaspora.
Protests in Chile and Lebanon

- Common fights all through Chile in light of a raise in the Santiago Metro’s tram passage, the expanded typical cost for basic items, privatization and disparity predominant in the nation
- The circumstance heightened as composed groups of dissenters rose up over the city, holding onto numerous stations of the Santiago Metro arrange
- Leader of Chile Sebastián Piñera declared a highly sensitive situation
- The fights have been considered the “most noticeably awful respectful turmoil” having happened in Chile since the finish of Augusto Pinochet’s military tyranny
- Over a million people rampaged all through Chile to challenge President Piñera, requesting his abdication
- Human rights associations have gotten a few reports of infringement directed against dissidents by security powers, including torment, sexual maltreatment and assault
Causes for protests:
- Rise in public transport fares
- Rising cost of living
- Income inequality
- Privatisation
- Corruption scandals
Goals of protests:
- Reversal of public transport fares
- Reforms in education, healthcare, and pension systems
- Better wages, minimum wage increase
- Resignation of President Sebastián Piñera
- Draft a new constitution

- The 2019 Lebanese fights are a progression of nation wide fights.
- The fights are persuaded by the Lebanese government’s inability to discover answers for a monetary emergency that has been approaching for as far back as year.
Causes for the protest:
- A response against partisan guideline
- Endemic debasement in the open segment,
- Disappointments from the administration to give fundamental administrations, for example, power, water and sanitation.
- Assessments on gas, tobacco and online telephone calls, for example, through WhatsApp.
Economic crisis:
- The Lebanese economy has a development averaging 9.1% somewhere in the range of 2007 and 2010
- After 2011 the economy was influenced by the Syrian common war, by a yearly normal of 1.7% on the 2011-2018.
- Lebanon is the third-most elevated obligated nation on the planet as far as the proportion of obligation to-GDP.
- Restricted the administration’s capacity to make required interests in framework and other open products.
Connecting the dots:
- Compare the economic situation in Chile and Lebanon with the current state of economy of India. Elucidate
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1) World’s first CNG(Compressed Natural Gas) port terminal is being developed at which place?
- Mundra Port
- Bhavnagar Port
- Kolkata Port
- Mangalore Port
Q.2) Consider the following statements about HS (Harmonised system) code.
- It is a six-digit identification code developed by the World Economic Forum.
- It helps in harmonising of customs and trade procedures between nearly 200 countries, thus reducing costs in international trade
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry has recently allocated a separate Harmonised System (HS) code for Khadi.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 Only
- 2 and 3 Only
- 1 and 3 Only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.3) Susta and Kalapani often seen in news are contentious issues between which two countries?
- Nepal and China
- India and Bhutan
- India and Myanmar
- India and Nepal
Q.4) Consider the following statements
- Methane is a long-lived gas and degrades into the atmosphere over the thousands of centuries and thus it is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide
- Biogenic methane is the methane emitted by livestock, waste treatment and wetlands.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.5) Consider the following statements about Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan Initiative (SUMAN)
- It is being implemented by Ministry of Women and Child Development.
- Its objective isto provide quality healthcare at zero cost, to pregnant women, new mothers and newborns.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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