Highlights |IAS Current Affairs 16-07-2019
Current Affairs and News (16-07-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and new for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Debate on the National Investigation Agency (NIA) (Amendment) Bill, 2019 in loksabhaIndia set for a new lunar trophy hunt
- National Investigation Agency (Amendment) Bill, 2019
- NGT directs Army to shift ammunition dump
- Vaccine trials started to check Tuberculosis spread
- ‘Blue Flag’ challenge for Indian oceans
- A WASH for healthcare
- India’s foreign policy needs rework in the next five years
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Watch Video – IAS Coaching Current Affairs 16-07-2019
Video Source – Shankar IAS Academy
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IAS Coaching Current Affairs 31-10-2019 are followed in the part below:
IAS Current Affairs and News Analysis (16-07-2019)
Debate on the National Investigation Agency (NIA) (Amendment) Bill, 2019 in loksabha
Part of Prelims and Mains GSIII security issues
In news
- The Lok Sabha on July 15, 2019, passes The National Investigative Agency (Amendment) Bill, 2019. This Bill gives NIA authorities ability to investigate offenses submitted outside India also and orders the setting up of Special Courts.
- During the dialog over the bill, the ongoing Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) in like manner ended up being a bit of the political talk.
Do you know?
“Prevention of Terrorism Act” (POTA), 2002
- Came after the IC-814 commandeer and 2001 Parliament assault.
- A suspect could be kept for as long as 180 days by an exceptional court.
- A different part to manage psychological militant associations was incorporated.
- Association government was commanded to keep up a rundown of sorted out that would fall under the demonstration’s radar and had full position to make increments or expulsions.
National Investigation Agency (Amendment) Bill, 2019 provides for the following:
- “So as to encourage the expedient examination
- indictment of Scheduled Offenses, including those submitted outside India against the Indian residents or influencing the enthusiasm of India
- To embed certain new offenses in the Schedule to the Act as Scheduled Offenses which unfavorably influence the national security, it has gotten important to change certain arrangements of the Act.”
National Green Tribunal (NGT) constituted a committee on illegal construction on the floodplains
Part of Prelims and mains GS III Environment and ecology
In news
National Green Tribunal (NGT) has established a council to investigate a supplication claiming illicit development on the floodplains of stream Kosi in Rampur, Uttar Pradesh, by a private college
Do you know?
National Green Tribunal is a statutory body set up by a Government Notification utilizing the forces of Section 3 of the NGT Act 2010.
- To give powerful and speedy transfer of cases identifying with ecological security and preservation of forestsand other normal assets including requirement of any lawful right identifying with condition.
- Giving help and remuneration for harms to people and property Other Related Matters.
River Kosi
- Kosi River is known as the “Distress of Bihar”
- These incorporate the Tamor River beginning from the Kanchenjunga territory in the east and Arun River and Sun Koshi from Tibet
- The Kosi is 720 km long and depletes in Tibet (China), Nepal and Bihar (India).
NGT directs Army to shift ammunition dump
Part of Prelims and mains GS III Environment and ecology
In news
- National Green Tribunal (NGT) has guided the Army to move its ammunition dump in Raiwala, Uttarakhand to ensure revamping of the Chila-Motichur Elephant Corridor.
- The ammunition dump was a hazard to the common life and science of the Chilla-Motichur entry.
Do you know?
Chilla-Motichur corridor
- It is a bit of Rajaji national park
- Arranged in Uttarakhand
- It an elephant path, Declared free of human habitation
Vaccine trials started to check Tuberculosis spread
Part of Prelims and Mains GS II Governance; Health services
In news:
- Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has started a TB inoculation fundamental with the ultimate objective of envisioning the occasion of tuberculosis among the close by contacts of a patient.
- Fundamental is being coordinated to come up with the essential TB inoculation for adults as the BCG immunizer is only for new-borns.
- Two inoculations — VPM1002 and Mycobacterium Indicus Pranii (MIP) — had been short-recorded for the stage III primer among the sound nuclear family contacts of a sputum smear-positive comprehension.
Do you know?
- India adds to 27% of overall TB people.
- Scarcely any TB prescriptions of TB are Isoniazid, Rifampicin.
- Nikshay is an electronic response for checking TB, impelled by the Health Ministry.
- India need to end TB by 2025
About Tuberculosis (TB)
- A veritable overpowering bacterial affliction that generally impacts the lungs.
- TB is an overwhelming contamination ordinarily achieved by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)
- Spread when a polluted person. Through airborne respiratory globules (hacks or wheezes) and by salivation (kissing or shared drinks).
- TB is Curable and preventable, when medications are given and taken suitably.
‘Blue Flag’ challenge for Indian oceans
Part of Prelims and Mains GS III Environment and ecology
In news
- Affiliation Environment Ministry has picked 12 coastlines in India for a ‘Blue Flag’ affirmation, an overall affirmation displayed on beaches that meet certain criteria of tidiness and biological fittingness
About Blue Flag
- The Blue Flag program for coastlines and marinas is constrained by the around the world, non-authoritative, non-advantage affiliation FEE (the Foundation for Environmental Education).
- It started in France in 1985 and has been realized in Europe since 1987
- Spain best the summary with 566 such beaches; Greece and France seek after with 515 and 395, separately 2
What is the criteria to achieve this Blue Flag certification
- Around 33 criteria that must be met to possess all the necessary qualities for a Blue Flag assertion
- For instance, the water satisfying certain rules, for instance, waste exchange workplaces, debilitated welcoming workplaces, crisis treatment outfit and no passage to pets in the rule domains of the beach. A couple of criteria are purposeful and some fundamental
To help Indian beaches meet these criteria
- The Union Ministry has allowed structures such compartment restroom squares, change rooms, shower sheets, littler than ordinary greywater treatment plants in an encased structure, downsized solid waste reusing plants and off-system sun situated photovoltaic blocks to come, in the event that they are a base 10 meters from the raised tide line.
TOPIC: General studies 2
- Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health
A WASH for healthcare
Therapeutic administrations workplaces are various and vacillated. Some are fundamental, others are tertiary. Many are open, some are private. Some location unequivocal issues, paying little respect to whether dentistry or word related treatment, and some are brief, giving extreme care when disaster strikes.
Adequate water, sanitation and tidiness (WASH) accommodations, including waste the board and characteristic cleaning organizations, are essential to their protected working.
Impacts of lack of WASH facilities
- Right when a human administrations office needs palatable WASH organizations, infection evasion and control are genuinely undermined.
- This can make patients and prosperity workers cleared out from avoidable maladies.
- Along these lines, attempts to improve maternal, neonatal and kid prosperity are undermined. Nonappearance of WASH workplaces also realizes pointless use of antibodies poisons, thusly spreading antimicrobial restriction
Current scenario
- As showed by a report, conveyed for the present year by the World Health Organization and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) commonly, graphs WASH benefits in various workplaces over the world are missing or unsatisfactory.
- As demonstrated by data from 2016, a normal 896 million people comprehensive had no water organization at their therapeutic administrations office.
- More than 1.5 billion had no sanitation organization.
- One in every six social protection workplaces was assessed to have no neatness organization. While data on waste the officials and biological cleaning was deficient in all cases.
Need of WASH services
- In WHO’s South-East Asia region, tries to deal with the issue and achieve related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets are when in doubt vivaciously looked for after.
- Improving WASH benefits in restorative administrations workplaces is vital to enlivening progress towards all of the region’s ‘pioneer needs’, especially the achievement of comprehensive prosperity consideration.
- Improving WASH organizations was regarded fundamental to overhauling the idea of basic social protection organizations, extending esteem and traversing the nation urban isolated.
Resolution to provide WASH services
A World Health Assembly Resolution is intending to catalyze nearby and external hypotheses to help land at the overall targets.
These include ensuring;
- At any rate 60% of all social protection workplaces have fundamental WASH benefits by 2022;
- In any occasion 80% have the equal by 2025; and
- 100% of all workplaces give basic WASH benefits by 2030.
Way forward
- Part states ought to complete all of the WHO-and UNICEF-recommended convenient advances.
- Prosperity experts should lead all around evaluations and develop national checks and obligation frameworks.
- Over the zone, and the world, a nonappearance of significant worth check data compels masters’ cognizance of the issue.
- Prosperity experts should clarify and quantifiable benchmarks that can be used to improve and keep up system and assurance that workplaces are ‘fit to serve’.
- Prosperity experts should manufacture responsibility and work to give a culture of orderliness and security in every single restorative help workplaces.
- Close by information campaigns that target office supervisors, all workers in the prosperity structure — from authorities and specialists to birthing aides and cleaners — should be made aware of, and made to practice, current WASH and defilement expectation and control technique (IPC).
- Modules on WASH organizations and IPC should be joined into pre-organization planning and as a part of advancing capable headway.
- Besides, pros should work even more personally with systems, especially in provincial districts, to propel enthusiasm for WASH organizations.
- Experts should ensure that aggregation of data on key WASH pointers gets standard.
- Doing so will help stimulate progress by progressing continued with movement and duty.
- It will moreover help push progression by documenting the associations among approaches and results.
As part states try to achieve the ‘pioneer needs’ and work towards the SDG centers around, that outcome is fundamental. Unquestionably, whatever the human administration’s office, whoever the provider, and wherever it is discovered, confirming safe prosperity organizations is an objective part states ought to seriously look for after.
Connecting the dots:
Without acceptable water, sanitation and tidiness (WASH) civilities, sullying control is truly undermined in India’s heathcare structure. Comment.
TOPIC: General studies 2
- Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests.
- India and its neighborhood- relations.
India’s foreign policy needs rework in the next five years
The geopolitical circumstance of the world is changing and this has raised new overall issues for India to oversee. Thusly, various pieces of India’s universal methodology moreover is required to be changed to fit the changing geopolitics of the world.
Earlier Scenario: Strategic autonomy
- Previously, India dealt with a move from non-course of action to a multi-game plan.
- We could improve our relations with the United States without imperiling our whole deal relationship with Russia.
- We could paper over our prickly relations with China without yielding an inordinate measure of the ground; simultaneously keeping up our key opportunity.
Current Scenario – Impact of U.S. conflict with Russia/ China
- Expanding India-U.S. relations today again pass on the danger of India getting drew in with another kind of Cold War.
- As demonstrated by the maker, the earlier system of multi-course of action reliant on essential independence has now gotten unsustainable.
- At first, it is a direct result of climb in confrontation between the US with Russia and China. Besides, Secondly this past plan ought to be changed by virtue of the progressing procedures of Donald Trump.
- Surely, even the importance of a liberal solicitation is apparently encountering changes.
- South Asia, the locale of our most essential need, needs close thought.
- Begun responsibility with Pakistan.
- Incorporate India further in Afghanistan to check India’s eagerness for expected US withdrawal from Afghanistan.
- Assurance insurance from BRI among India’s neighbors.
- Keep up a vital good ways from the plan in the new Cold War between US with Russia and China.
- India should focus on making dangerous developments, for instance, AI, advanced advancement, etc as a segment of its assurance approach.
- Focus and collect India’s money related influence.
- India must ensure that it doesn’t transform into associated with the disputes and rivalries between the U.S. furthermore, a rising China, the raised weights between the U.S. likewise, Russia, and moreover refrain from transforming into a pawn in the U.S.- Iran battle.
Connecting the dots:
With the adjustment in the overall political circumstance, India ought to similarly change its procedure of remote relations. Comment.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q1) River Kosi flows through?
- India, China, and Nepal
- India and Nepal
- India Nepal and Bhutan
- Only in India
Q2) Chilla-Motichurelephant passage is arranged in
- Bihar
- Uttarakhand
- Uttar Pradesh
- Assam
Q3) National Green Tribunal (NGT) objectives
- give a convincing and quick move of cases relating to natural security
- security of woods and other trademark resources including approval of any legal right relating to the condition
- verifying the tiger and elephant paths
Select the wrong statement from above
- only III
- both I and II
- all of the above
- none of the above
Q4) Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is an antibody identified with
- Leprosy
- Tuberculosis
- Hepatitis B
- Measles
Q5) ‘Blue Flag’ certification is for
- The agreement understanding between blue water nations
- An overall affirmation introduced on coastlines that meet certain criteria of orderliness and regular authenticity
- Cleaning up of oil spills in oceans
- The oceanic practice among India and Singapore
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