Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 01-08-2019
Current Affairs and News (01-08-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Inter-State river water disputes
- Happiness Classes
- Fortifying the Africa outreach
- Concept of Farm ponds
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 01-08-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (01-08-2019)
Inter-State river water disputes
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS- II – issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure
In News
- Lok Sabha passed a bill to build up a solitary focal council for between state water questions instead of the various existing ones in order to accelerate goals process
- The council can set up numerous seats for various questions
- Piece of Central council – Chairperson (resigned SC judge), a bad habit director, three legal executive individuals, and three specialists.
- Arrangement of council individuals – by the Central government on proposal of a choice board of trustees involving the PM, CJI, and priests of law and equity and Jal Shakti
- The bill proposes to set up a question goals panel of specialists, headed by a secretary-level official of the legislature.
- When a question emerges, it would have alluded to this panel, which would have a year to determine it, with an augmentation of a half-year
- In the event that the board of trustees neglects to land at an end, the issue would have alluded to a Central council whereby the last grant will be conveyed in two years and at whatever point it gives the request, the decision will be informed naturally.
- The choice of the council would be official on states and have “a similar power as a request for the Supreme Court”
Concerns raised by Opposition
- A significant concern has been over information assortment from stream bowls, the center of arbitration.
- Centralization of forces as the determination advisory group to prescribe court individuals doesn’t have any portrayal from the States
Do you know?
- India has 18 % of the total populace yet just 4% replenishable water
- At present, there are nine councils including those on Cauvery, Mahadayi, Ravi and Beas, Vansadhara and Krishna waterway.
- Of the nine councils set up to mediate such debates, just four have given their honors and the time taken to do so extended from seven to 28 years
- Focus has comprised a National Water Informatics Center in March 2018, which will gather information from all associations including the Central Water Commission, IMD and state offices.
Happiness Classes
Part of: Mains GS II- Issues relating to the development and management of Education.
In News
- ‘Bliss Utsav ‘was sorted out by the Delhi government to praise a year since the dispatch of satisfaction classes in Delhi government schools.
- “Without bliss, training can never be finished.” CJI Ranjan Gogoi said while talking at the closing service
- Bliss classes in schools in need of great importance as India’s situation on the World Happiness Index has dropped from 118 to 140
- WHI is a yearly production of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
- Four states – Manipur, Madhya Pradesh, Puducherry, and Nagaland – have intended to duplicate Delhi’s Happiness classes in their state-run schools.
Equalization Levy
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS III- Indian economy and Government Budgeting
In News
- Residential SMEs and new businesses have written to focus grumbling about the leveling demand as outside organizations keep on invoicing Indian new businesses and SMEs from their abroad office.
- The equalization levy, introduced in 2016, is a direct tax on payments made by residents to non-resident companies for online advertisement, provision of digital and advertising space or any other facility or service for online advertisement.
- Indian new businesses and SMEs are required to store 6% evening out duty (TDS) for the benefit of these outside organizations which prompts extra consistency and cost trouble on these organizations
- Since this is a duty, these organizations can’t guarantee Input Tax Credit for this expense caused
- So as to redress this, the new companies have mentioned the administration to command that “any worldwide partnership having deals and advertising activities in India must be required to receipt their clients in India from an enlisted substance in India.”
Do you know?
- Market for online promotions on which a 6% leveling toll is applied is up from ₹9,800 crore in FY18 to ₹11,870 crore till February 2019
- The thought behind the balance demand is to charge administrations of advanced specialist co-ops in remote markets which has a client base in India
TOPIC: GS paper 2
- Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.
- Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian Diaspora.
Fortifying the Africa outreach
- This week two significant Indian dignitaries started their separate visits to Africa. President Ram Nath Kovind started his seven-day state visit to Benin, Gambia and Guinea-Conakry (July 28 to August 3) and Defense Minister Rajnath Singh landed in Maputo on a three-day visit (July 28 to July 30) to Mozambique.
- There is by all accounts an obvious detach between Indian formative help to and India’s monetary commitment with Africa
Economic ties of India and Africa:
- During the previous five years, Indian pioneers have paid 29 visits to African nations.
- Forty-one African pioneers took an interest in the last India-Africa Forum Summit in 2015
- India consented to give concessional credit worth $10 billion during the following five years.
Trade ties of India and Africa:
- By 2017, India had aggregately expanded 152 Lines of Credit worth $8 billion to 44 African nations.
- India has additionally singularly given free access to its market for the fares of 33 least created African nations
- India heightened its duties to Africa in a period of low-item costs when most different accomplices, including China, have downsized theirs.
- India’s exchange with Africa totaled $63.3 billion every 2018-19.
- India was positioned the third biggest exchanging accomplice of Africa having edged past the United States during the year.
Issues in India and Africa Relations:
- India is neither a rich nation nor has its hands been spoiled by a past filled with bondage, colonization and the abuse of Africa.
- Actually, it is a creating nation with comparative residential difficulties of neediness, framework shortage, and underdevelopment.
- India’s supports dedicated and situates in our renowned scholarly foundations offered to Africa are to the detriment of the duty paying Indians.
- India’s guide to Africa ought to be responded by affirmation and remuneration as far as altruism (past the simple streaming authority talk), and institutional inclination.
- India can’t just be a money bovine for Africa, especially when it’s very own economy is backing off.
Steps to be considered by India:
- we have to assume direct responsibility for our improvement program as opposed to giving our assets to go-betweens, for example, the African Union, the African Development Bank Group and the Techno-Economic Approach for Africa-India Movement (TEAM 9), whose needs are frequently not the same as India’s
- To have an effect, our guide ought to be dispensed reciprocally and lined up with national needs of the beneficiary state, which ought to be a considerable partner and co-financial specialist in plans and tasks from inception to activity.
- India’s improvement help ought to favor the nations with its generous advantages, both existing and potential
- For Example Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, Ghana, Angola, and Algeria are India’s main six exchanging accomplices Africa, representing almost 66% of its exchange and a large portion of its fares to the mainland;
- however, they don’t figure similarly in India’s formative hierarchy.
- India’s very own requirements for crude materials, wares, and markets ought to be calculated in its guide math
- We should lean toward supporting nations that are happy to support us — from access to their normal assets to utilizing our generics.
- The supported venture chose ought to be perfect with neighborhood prerequisites. They ought to be financially savvy, adaptable, future-prepared and monetarily replicable. For more noteworthy straightforwardness, India ought to lean toward its open area to actualize the guide ventures.
- The Indian Head of Mission in the beneficiary African state must be a basic piece of the supported stream including venture choice, coordination, and usage.
- The previously mentioned ought not to divert us from our obligation to give the required philanthropic help to Africa to be rendered speedily and with affectability, yet without commotion.
- There is by all accounts a prominent detach between Indian formative help to and India’s monetary commitment with Africa.
- The opportunity has now come to coordinate these two tomahawks for an increasingly extensive and supportable commitment.
- It would likewise encourage supported pilot ventures being scaled up flawlessly into monetarily practical joint endeavors.
- The synchronization of the two visits might be a happenstance, however, it likewise demonstrates the upgraded need to Africa. This ought to be invited.
Connecting the dots:
- What makes India and African relations Unique? Talk about how these relations help the Indian economy?
TOPIC-General Studies Paper 3
- Major crops cropping patterns in various parts of the country, different types of irrigation and irrigation systems storage, transport and marketing of agricultural produce
- Conservation, environmental pollution, and degradation, environmental impact assessment
Concept of Farm ponds
- Lakes can be a compelling apparatus for water reaping
- With an expanded inconstancy of storms and quickly draining groundwater tables, huge pieces of India are reeling submerged pressure.
- Various peninsular districts like Bundelkhand, Vidarbha, and Marathwada have been confronting repeating dry spell like circumstances.
- There is a need to execute creative water the executive’s measures, pushing especially the significance of water reaping both at the family unit and network levels.
What are Farm Ponds?
- A homestead lake is a huge gap uncovered in the earth, normally square or rectangular fit as a fiddle, to gather water and store it for sometime later.
- It has a gulf to manage inflow and an outlet to release abundance water.
- Ranchers manufacture lakes for some reasons: water system, water for animals, fire assurance, disintegration control, aquaculture, untamed life worth, entertainment, and style.
- The size and profundity rely upon the measure of land accessible, sort of soil, the rancher’s water necessities, cost of removal, and the potential employments of the unearthed earth.
- Water from the ranch lake is passed on to the fields physically, by siphoning, or by the two strategies.
Retention of water through Farm ponds:
- Ranch lakes held water for 8-10 months of the year; in this way, ranchers could improve the editing force and yield broadening inside and crosswise over seasons.
- The zone used to develop vegetables and other business crops additionally expanded
- In parts of peninsular India, They are being utilized as transitional stockpiling focuses, quickening groundwater consumption and expanding vanishing misfortunes as the groundwater is brought to the surface and put away in generally shallow structures.
Why it is necessary to have inlet and outlet provisions to the Farm ponds?
- Ranch lakes can’t capture the overabundance run-off if there is no delta, and in this manner, they can’t be utilized successfully for water collecting as the equivalent occurred with Maharastra
- Further, ranchers line them at the base with plastic, limiting leakage and changing over the lakes into halfway stockpiling focuses.
- Such homestead lakes adversary affect the water tables and quicken water misfortune.
- The typical practice here is to lift water from a burrowed well and additionally a borewell, store it in the lake and afterward attract it by and by to inundate the fields, frequently utilizing miniaturized scale water system.
What are the advantages of Farm Ponds?
- Ranch lakes can be financially savvy structures that change rustic vocations.
- They can assist improve with watering control, add to horticulture heightening and support ranch livelihoods
- They helped in unrivaled water control through the collecting of precipitation as well as surface run-off and subsurface streams particularly in the conditions of Jharkhand and West Bengal.
- They worked only as revive focuses, adding to groundwater renewal.
- They likewise helped in giving a supplemental water system in the Kharif season and an improved water system inclusion in rabi.
- The yield of paddy, the most significant harvest in Kharif, balanced out, in this manner adding to more noteworthy nourishment security.
In general, ranch lakes can go about as successful reaping structures and furthermore yield solid monetary returns. Be that as it may, on the off chance that they are advanced just for on-ranch stockpiling of groundwater and waterway water, they could quicken, as opposed to lessen, the water emergency in the open country.
Connecting the dots:
- Horticulture is constantly a bet in India with different elements being unforeseen. Fundamentally examine the spending arrangements for horticulture and recommend vital alterations.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
- Featured Comments and comments Up-voted by whataftercollege are the “correct answers”.
Q.1) Consider the following statement about Equalization levy
- It is an indirect tax on payments made by residents to non-resident companies for online advertising services provided in India
- Indian start-ups and SMEs are required to deposit 6% equalization levy on behalf of these foreign companies which leads to additional compliance
- These start-ups and SMEs are able to claim Input Tax Credit for this cost incurred
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.2) World Happiness Index is brought out by which of the following organization?
- World Economic forum
- World Bank
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Q.3) Consider the following statements.
- Article 280 of the constitution empowers the Parliament to make laws for the adjudication of the inter-state water disputes.
- National Water Informatics center was set up in 2018 as a single window source of updated data on water resources
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Which of the following states has a serious conflict on the sharing of waters of the Vansadhara Water Disputes?
- Andhra Pradesh and Odisha
- Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
- Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh
- Karnataka and Telangana