Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 22-01-2020
UPSC exam current affairs 22-01-2020 The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- High Court of Karnataka: Police need to be trained to follow SC guidelines on registering FIRs
- Hawaii telescope: Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)
- India and Brazil: Bilateral Investment Treaty
- Governance: Elections
- Environment
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 22-01-2020 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (22-01-2020)
High Court of Karnataka: Police need to be trained to follow SC guidelines on registering FIRs
Part of: GS Polity and GS-II – Law & order
In news:
- The High Court of Karnataka saw that cops, including IPS officials, required legitimate preparing in the basics of enrolling First Information Reports in criminal cases according to the rules gave in a 2013 Supreme Court decision on account of Lalita Kumari versus Legislature of Uttar Pradesh.
From Prelims Point of view:
Supreme Court has given directions to be followed in regards to Registration of an FIR
- Enlistment of FIR is obligatory under segment 154 of the Code if the data uncovers commission of a cognizable offence and no fundamental request is allowable in such a circumstance.
- In the event that the data got doesn’t reveal a cognizable offence yet demonstrates the need for a request, a fundamental request might be led distinctly to find out whether the cognizable offence is uncovered or not.
- In the event that the request reveals the commission of a cognizable offence, the FIR must be enlisted. In situations where fundamental request finishes in shutting the grumbling, a duplicate of the section of such conclusion must be provided to the main witness forthwith and not later than multi-week. It must reveal reasons in a nutshell for shutting the grumbling and not continuing further.
- The cop can’t maintain a strategic distance from his obligation of enrolling offence if a cognizable offence is revealed. The move must be made against failing officials who don’t enlist the FIR if data got by him uncover a cognizable offence.
- The extent of starter request isn’t to check the veracity or in any case of the data got yet just to learn whether the data uncovers any cognizable offence.
The gig economy
Part of: GS Economy and GS-III – Employment
In news:
- A gig economy is a free market framework wherein transitory positions are normal and associations contract with autonomous labourers for momentary commitment.
- Instances of gig representatives in the workforce could incorporate consultants, self-employed entities, venture based labourers and brief or low maintenance contracts.
From Prelims and Mains Point of view:
- Worldwide Gig Economy Index report has positioned India among the best 10 nations.
- The report says there has been an expansion in consultants in India from 11% in 2018 to 52% in 2019, on account of different activities including Startup India and Skill India.
Hawaii telescope: Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)
Part of: GS Sci & Tech and GS-III – Technology
In news:
- India Wants Thirty-Metre Telescope Shifted Out of Hawaii (Mauna kea)

Why oppose?
- The proposed site is considered sacred to indigenous Hawaiians.
From Prelims Point of view:
The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT):
- The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) is a proposed cosmic observatory with an amazingly huge telescope (ELT).
- It is a global undertaking being supported by logical associations of Canada, China, India, Japan and the USA.
- Arranged area: Mauna Kea on the island of Hawaii in the US province of Hawaii.
- The TMT is intended for close bright to mid-infrared perceptions, including versatile optics to help with remedying picture obscure.
- TMT will empower researchers to consider fainter protests far away from us in the Universe, which gives data about beginning periods of development of the Universe.
- It will give us better subtleties of not really far-away articles like unfamiliar planets and different items in the Solar System and planets around different stars.
SC : Disqualification power from Speakers
Part of: GS Sci & Tech and GS-III – Technology
In news:
- The Supreme Court requested that Parliament revise the Constitution to strip Legislative Assembly Speakers of their selective capacity to choose whether lawmakers ought to be precluded or not under the counter surrender law.
SC Suggestions:
- Preclusion petitions under the Tenth Schedule ought to be mediated by an instrument outside Parliament or the Legislative Assemblies.
- The court recommended a perpetual council headed by a resigned Supreme Court judge or a previous High Court Chief Justice.
From Prelims Point of view:
Tenth Schedule: anti-defection law
- The Tenth Schedule was embedded in the Constitution in 1985 by the 52nd Amendment Act.
- Sets out the procedure by which lawmakers might be excluded on grounds of absconding by the Presiding Officer of a governing body
- The choice on the inquiry as to preclusion on the ground of deserting alludes to the Chairman or the Speaker of such House and his choice is conclusive.
- The law applies to both Parliament and state gatherings.
If a member of a house belonging to a political party:
- Willfully surrenders the participation of his ideological group, or
- Votes, or doesn’t cast a ballot in the lawmaking body, in opposition to the headings of his ideological group. In any case, if the part has taken earlier consent, or is overlooked by the gathering inside 15 days from such democratic or abstention, the part will not be excluded.
- On the off chance that an autonomous applicant joins an ideological group after the political decision.
- On the off chance that an assigned part joins a gathering a half year after he turns into an individual from the council.
Supreme Court in 1992, in this way permitting interests against the Presiding Officer’s choice in the High Court and Supreme Court. Be that as it may, it held that there may not be any legal intercession until the Presiding Officer gives his request.
Exceptions :
- Administrators may change their gathering without the danger of exclusion in specific conditions.
- The law permits a gathering to converge with or into another gathering gave that in any event 66% of its lawmakers are agreeable to the merger.
- In such a situation, neither the individuals who choose to blend nor the ones who remain with the first party will confront preclusion.
India and Brazil: Bilateral Investment Treaty
Part of: GS International and GS-II – India’s Foreign relations
In news:
- India and Brazil will overhaul their vital association with an “activity plan” and sign a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT)
- Key Partnership Action Plan will fill in as an “umbrella understanding”, for plans between the two nations to build barrier participation, innovation sharing and a coordinations understanding.
From Prelims Point of view:
Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT)
- A respective venture bargain (BIT) is an understanding setting up the terms and conditions for private speculation by nationals and organizations of one state in another state.
- In 2018 Indian interests in Brazil were around U.S.$ 6 billion and Brazilian interests in India are assessed at the U.S.$ 1 billion. ( Total 8 bn )
Nepal PM positive of resolving all ‘pending issues’ with India
Part of: GS International and GS-II – India’s Foreign relations
In news:
- Nepal Prime Minister said respective debates with India ought to be managed exchange, showing Kathmandu’s political eagerness to determine the line over the Kalapani regional issue.
- The Kalapani issue was reignited after India distributed another political guide in November 2019 that showed its proceeded with position over the region as a feature of Uttarakhand.
From Prelims Point of view:
Kalapani territorial issue:
- Kalapani is a valley that is managed by India as a piece of the Pithoragarh area of Uttarakhand. It is arranged on the Kailash Mansarovar course.
- The Kali River in the Kalapani district separates the outskirt among India and Nepal.
- The Treaty of Sugauli marked by the Kingdom of Nepal and British India (after the Anglo-Nepalese War) in 1816 found the Kali River as Nepal’s western limit with India.
- Kalapani has been constrained by India’s Indo-Tibetan Border Police since the Sino-Indian War with China in 1962.
- The error in finding the wellspring of the stream prompted limit debates among India and Nepal, with every nation creating maps supporting their own cases.

Miscellaneous Topics in News
All Assam Students’ Union
- All Assam Students’ Union or AASU is an understudies’ association in Assam.
- Known for driving the six-year Assam Movement against unlawful workers from Bangladesh.
- It framed an ideological group Asom Gana Parishad (AGP), which shaped the government in Assam twice.
Coronaviruses (CoV)
- Coronaviruses (CoV) are a huge group of infections that cause sickness extending from the basic virus to increasingly serious maladies, for example, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).
- An epic coronavirus (nCoV) is another strain that has not been recently distinguished in people. Some transmit effectively from individual to individual, while others don’t.
- spreading through of contact with creatures, defiled nourishment, as well as individual-to-individual.
Trillion Tree Campaign
- In 2006, the Billion Tree Campaign was propelled, by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) as a reaction to the difficulties of a dangerous atmospheric deviation, just as to a more extensive exhibit of maintainability challenges from water supply to biodiversity misfortune.
- The Billion Tree Campaign was propelled by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Wangari Maathai, author of the Green Belt Movement.
- WWF, the Wildlife Conservation Society and BirdLife International today propelled the Trillion Trees program, another 25-year activity to help scale worldwide timberland duties and spike more prominent desire towards securing and reestablishing one trillion trees by 2050.
- During the World Economic Forum 2020 in Davos, the World Economic Forum reported a stage for governments, organizations, common society to help UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030, driven by UNEP and FAO
Buriganga river
- Bangladesh’s High Court has requested that specialists shut down 231 production lines encompassing the exceptionally dirtied Buriganga stream
- The Buriganga River is a waterway in Bangladesh that positions among the most dirtied streams in the nation.
Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG)
- FMCG developed at 9.7% in 2019, much lower than the earlier year’s development of 13.5%.
- Quick moving shopper merchandise (FMCG) are items that are sold rapidly and at a generally minimal effort.
- Models incorporate non-solid family unit merchandise, for example, bundled nourishments, refreshments, toiletries, over-the-counter medications, and different consumables
Governance: Elections
Topic: General Studies 2:
- Parliament and State legislatures—structure, functioning, the conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these.
Electoral Bonds
The Supreme Court declined to stay the electoral bond scheme of the government.
Also, a fresh window for purchase of bonds is set to open, coinciding with the Delhi Assembly election.
What is the Electoral Bond Scheme?
- Appointive security resembles a promissory note that can be purchased by any Indian resident or organization joined in India from select parts of State Bank of India.
- An individual or gathering will be permitted to buy these bonds carefully or through check subsequent to uncovering their personality through know your client (KYC) standards.
- The resident or corporate would then be able to give the equivalent to any qualified ideological group of his/her decision.
- The bonds are like banknotes that are payable to the conveyor on request and are liberated from premium. It hosts to be reclaimed by Political gatherings inside 15 days just in their predetermined record.
- The constituent bonds were presented with the Finance Bill (2017). On January 29, 2018, the NDA government informed the Electoral Bond Scheme 2018.
Electoral bonds: Conditions
- Any gathering that is enrolled and has verified in any event one percent of the voters surveyed in the latest General decisions or Assembly races is qualified to get constituent bonds
- The appointive bonds won’t bear the name of the contributor. Along these lines, the ideological group probably won’t know about the giver’s personality.
Why were electoral bonds introduced in India?
- Appointive bonds were being acquainted with the guarantee that every one of the gifts made to a gathering would be represented in a critical position sheet without uncovering the benefactor subtleties to the general population
Restrictions that were done away with after the introduction of the electoral bond scheme
- Prior, no outside organization could give to any ideological group under the Companies Act.
- A firm could give a limit of 7.5 percent of its normal three-year net benefit as political gifts as indicated by Section 182 of the Companies Act
- Likewise, organizations needed to unveil subtleties of their political gifts in their yearly articulation of records.
Criticisms of EBS
Legitimizing Political Corruption: Since neither the buyer of the bond nor the ideological group accepting the gift is required to unveil the giver’s personality, the investors of an enterprise will stay unconscious of the organization’s commitment. Voters, as well, will have no clue about how, and through whom, an ideological group has been financed.
Plausibility of Money Laundering: Since the character of the giver has been kept unknown, it could prompt a deluge of dark cash. With getting rid of all the defence that was available in Corporate gifts to Political gatherings (through Companies Act), Indian, outside and even shell organizations would now be able to give to ideological groups without advising anybody regarding the commitment.
Enormous Corporations and not a typical man is using this course: Nearly 91.76% (Rs 5,624 crore) of the absolute number of bonds obtained during the 12 stages were in section Rs 1 crore. Along these lines, there is a plausibility of unholy nexus creating among Corporates and Political gatherings for ideal arrangements which comes at the expense of open welfare
Against Smaller Regional Parties: 80.5% of the all-out Electoral Bonds recovered between March 2018 and October 2019 were encashed in New Delhi (while the most extreme estimation of bonds was acquired in Mumbai) where national gatherings’ central command are found
New deal windows during State decisions: The administration’s plan was intended for Lok Sabha races, yet the deal window for bonds had been opened before State Assembly races over and again, which is gainful for Central decision party.
Non Transparency: The SBI has would not uncover the names of the individuals who acquired the constituent bonds under the RTI Act. The plan encroaches the residents’ essential ‘Right to Know’ by retaining significant data with respect to appointive financing
Election Commission of India’s view on electoral bonds
ECI, in its reaction documented in the court, said the arrangements would empower the making of shell organizations for the sole reason for making political gifts.
It additionally expressed that the revisions to the law on remote commitments would imply that there would be unchecked outside subsidizing of ideological groups, prompting remote impact on India’s strategy making.
Reserve Bank of India on electoral bonds scheme
The national bank had cautioned the administration that the securities would “undermine the confidence in Indian banknotes and support tax evasion.”
Supreme Court’s View on Electoral Bonds
All together in April 2019, SC hosted requested that political gatherings unveil to the Election Commission of India (ECI), in fixed spreads, subtleties of the gifts they had gotten through the mysterious bond. Be that as it may, it had would not remain the plan on the grounds of “constrained time” accessible at that point (approaching General Elections to Lok Sabha) and “the profound issues” engaged with the issue.
Way Forward
- As per ADR, ideological groups reclaimed 12,173 constituent bonds worth Rs 6,108.47 crore between March 2018 and October 2019 of every 12 stages. Clear Judicial profession on such issue is of dire concern
- The idea of contributor “secrecy” undermines the very soul of the majority rules system, the namelessness ought to be evacuated by altering the enactment
Connecting the dots:
- Money gifts to Political Parties likewise topped at Rs 2000 through Finance Act of 2017. Why money gifts are still permitted?
- Do Political Parties go under the ambit of RTI?
Topic: General Studies 3:
- Protection, natural contamination and debasement, ecological effect evaluation

What is the state of forests in India?
The India State of the Forest Report 2019 was discharged as of late which shows that India has expanded its woodland spread
About India State of the Forest Report (ISFR)
- ISFR is a biennial production of Forest Survey of India (FSI), an association under the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change.
- The ISFR evaluates the woods and tree spread, bamboo assets, carbon stock and woodland fires.
- The 2019 report just because has surveyed the subjective idea of the backwoods spread, including posting its biodiversity and the kind of plants and trees found.
- It likewise made a national woodland stock just because on produce from backwoods.
Some of the findings of the report
- India’s backwoods spread has expanded by 3,976 sq. km since 2017—an ascent of 0. 56%.
- Tree spread—tree patches of size short of what one hectare outside the recorded woodland territories, likewise indicated an ascent, but somewhat higher at 1.29%
- India’s complete backwoods and tree spread presently remain at 80.73 million hectares—generally 24.5% of its topographical region, and still a long way from the possible objective of 33%, which India has focused on raising to, by 2030.
Concerns expressed by ecologists are:
- Definition of Forest Cover
- Woods Survey of India characterizes woodland spread as “all patches of land, with a tree shade thickness of over 10% and more than one hectare in the region, regardless of land-use, proprietorship and types of trees”— an appraisal depending significantly on satellite mapping.
Counter Arguments:
- In this way, at that point, any natural product nursery, coconut or espresso estate, or even urban parks would go under ‘woodland spread’
- Such a definition will give a deficient image of our Natural woods, particularly as to what’s going on in the Western Ghats and Himalayan Forests
- Blame on Forest-dwelling communities
- FSI’s new investigation to survey the reliance of individuals, living in more than 170,000 ‘backwoods periphery towns’, expresses that this reliance could be a “significant driver of debilitation of woodland profitability”
Counter Arguments
- These people group have been living in amicability with nature since hundreds of years and reliant on woods for their work. Conjunction with nature and not a challenge with nature is their lifestyle.
- Nonetheless, the large effect territories—the redirection of woods land for streets, dam ventures—has been totally dismissed while putting fault on these networks
- Compensatory Plantation
- Compensatory estate done to supplant the first, common woodlands during redirection of timberland lands for ventures have so far yielded no effective outcomes.
- A portion of these new territories was even reserved for different activities or extension of existing ones, despite the fact that they stay under government’s Recorded Forest Area (degree of woodlands as far as lawful status).
Way Ahead
- Changing the meaning of Forest Cover: Instead of simply overhang spread or hectares, the need is to concentrate on what is a ‘flourishing woods’ or an ‘environment
- Ongoing spatial information of our backwoods land. share those maps progressively so we know where we are losing our woods.
- Any afforestation movement attempted must incorporate an adjustment program in the light of Climate Change, else the activity will be worthless
- To stop the fracture of woodlands—particularly an issue in the North-East where timberland spread is declining—with the goal that backwoods zones stay associated with structure one major living space
Do You Know?
- Woods are sink and supplies of carbon, hence basic in adjustment to environmental change.
- As a feature of its atmosphere activity plan, India has resolved to make an extra carbon sink of 2.5-3 billion tons of CO2-identical through extra backwoods spread and tree spread by 2030.
Connecting the Dots:
- Other findings of the State of Forest report 2019
- Kasturirangan and Gadgil Committee report on the Western Ghats
- Environmental Impact Assessment
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1) In the context of space technology, what is “Hawaii telescope ”, recently in the news?
- A mini satellite launched by ISRO for promoting the distance education in India
- The name was given to the next Moon Impact Probe, for Chandrayan-II
- A geoportal of ISRO with 3 D imaging capabilities of India
- proposed astronomical observatory with an extremely large telescope
Q.2) Which one of the following schedules of the Constitution of India contains provisions regarding anti-defection Act?
- Second Schedule
- Fifth Schedule
- Eighth Schedule
- Tenth Schedule
Q.3) Consider the following statements:
- The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly shall vacate his/her office if he/she ceases to be a member of the Assembly.
- Whenever the Legislative Assembly is dissolved, the Speaker shall vacate his/her immediately.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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