Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 27-07-2019
Current Affairs and News (27-07-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Inter-state water cooperation
- Measures to improve the quality of Education
- Private member’s bill
- Rise of China
- Private Bill urges state election funding
- The terrorist tag
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 27-07-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (27-07-2019)
Inter-state water cooperation
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS- II – issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure.
In News
- Punjab will reline its Ferozepur feeder for the Indira Gandhi Canal (IGC)system, to expand its water conveying limit
Do you know?
- IGC recently known as the Rajasthan Canal means to bring Himalayan streams (Sutlej and Beas) streaming in Punjab to dry districts of Rajasthan
- IGC is the longest channel in India which navigates through conditions of Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan
- IGC is considered as a significant advance in recovering the Thar Desert and checking desertification of prolific territories
- Nonetheless, inordinate water system and concentrated farming have caused new natural issues like water-logging brought about by expanded leakage from trench and increment in the saltiness of groundwater.
Measures to improve the quality of Education
Part of: Mains GS II- Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Education
In News
- Unsatisfactory instructor preparing schools to be closed down
- The National Council for Teacher Education(NCTE) has started the procedure, as suggested by the draft National Educational Policy
- A decrease in amount is expected to support quality – India produces 19.5 lakh educators consistently, however, the yearly necessity is under 3 lakh
Different estimates required to improve Teacher training
- To pick 700 schools — at any rate one for each area — as model instructor preparing foundations in order to control other such establishments
- Survey the obsolete educational program of instructor preparing through
- Consideration of progressively commonsense segment
- Consolidate computerized mechanical advances into educating technique
- Kid driven educational program
- Dispatch of the four-year incorporated B.Ed programs
Do you know?
- NCTE is a statutory body under the NCTE Act,1993. Prior it used to work as warning body under NCERT
- NCTE functions for the central as well as state governments on all matter with regard to the Teacher Education
Private member’s bill
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS II- Parliament
In News
- Private part bill was acquainted in the Rajya Sabha with change Representation of People’s Act, which makes two key recommendations
- One, the current per applicant consumption point of confinement of ₹70 lakh for Lok Sabha political decision ought to be lifted
- Two, there ought to be state subsidizing to guarantee a “cleaner commonwealth”, which is an open decent.
Purposes behind such revisions
- Topping of use resembles preclusion which is counter-beneficial as it pushes the decisions consumption underground
- This prompts an endless loop of dark cash, cronyism, debasement, and criminalization of legislative issues.
- State subsidizing of races tends to the unjustifiable focal points delighted in by National Political Parties versus local gatherings
Do You know?
- A bill presented by an official who is certainly not a piece of official is called Private part bill
- Just 14 private individuals bill has been passed by both House and become law throughout the entire existence of the Indian Parliament.
- The last such bill was the Supreme Court (broadening of criminal redrafting locale) Bill went in 1970

Pic: https://static.toiimg.com/photo/imgsize-,msid-47046357/47046357.jpg
Rise of China
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS II- International Politics
In News
- China and Cambodia have consented to a mystery arrangement that permits Beijing elite utilization of Ream Naval base of Cambodia situated in the Gulf of Thailand
- This will be China’s previously committed maritime organizing office in South East Asia
Do You Know?
- China has proposed to construct the Kra Canal that would associate the Gulf of Thailand with the Andaman Sea over the Kra Isthmus in southern Thailand.
- Every one of these activities is to counter the USA’s predominance of Malacca Strait – significant delivery path which conveys about 25% of the world’s exchanged merchandise
- South China Sea debate includes challenging cases, both sea and islands, by 7 nations viz. Brunei, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam.

Pic: https://d39gegkjaqduz9.cloudfront.net/TH/2019/07/27/CNI/Chennai/TH/5_16/6a017006_7f4ff3bf_101_mr.jpg
TOPIC: General studies 2
- Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.
- Structure, organization, and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary Ministries and Departments of the Government; pressure groups and formal/informal associations and their role in the Polity.
- Parliament & State Legislatures – structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges & issues arising out of these
Private Bill urges state election funding
- Likening as far as possible on political decision costs with preclusion, Congress MP Rajeev Gowda on Friday moved a private part’s Bill in the Rajya Sabha that looks for the expulsion of the point of confinement and state subsidizing of races as a major aspect of changes to the manner in which surveys are financed in India.
- The point of confinement of subsidizing was counterproductive and just aided those with dark cash to reward singular voters and disabled legitimate up-and-comers,
What is the private part bill in the parliament?
- Private part’s bills are guided by non-Minister MPs.
- Their motivation is to cause the government to notice what singular MPs see as issues and holes in the current legitimate system, which require administrative mediation.
Who are private individuals?
- Any MP who isn’t a Minister is alluded to as a private part.
- Parliament’s key role is to debate and make laws.
- The two Ministers and private individuals add to the law-making process.
- Bills acquainted by Ministers are alluded with as government bills.
- They are upheld by the legislature and mirror its authoritative motivation.
Method for presenting private part bill in parliament:
- The acceptability of a private part’s Bill is chosen by the Rajya Sabha Chairman and on account of Lok Sabha, it is the Speaker; the technique is generally the equivalent for the two Houses.
- The Member must give in any event a month’s notification before the Bill can be recorded for presentation; the House secretariat looks at it for consistency with sacred arrangements and rules on enactment before posting.
- Up to 1997, private individuals could acquaint up with three Bills in seven days. This prompted an accumulating of Bills that were presented however never examined; Chairman K R Narayanan, in this manner, topped the number of private part’s Bills to three for every session.
- While government Bills can be presented and talked about quickly, private part’s Bills can be presented and examined uniquely on Fridays.
- Private part’s Bills have been presented and talked about in Rajya Sabha on 20 days over the most recent three years
- Endless supply of the dialog, the Member guiding the Bill can either pull back it on the solicitation of the Minister concerned, or he may decide to press ahead with its section.
- In the last case, the Bill is put to cast a ballot and, if the private part gets the help of the House, it is passed.
Private part charges presented till now:
- In 1977, Rajya Sabha passed a private part’s Bill to change the Aligarh Muslim University Act.
- The Bill at that point went to the 6th Lok Sabha, where it passed with the disintegration of the House in 1979.
- In 2015, Rajya Sabha passed The Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, 2014 as a private part’s Bill.
- The Bill is presently pending before Lok Sabha.
- The last time a private part’s Bill was passed by the two Houses was in 1970, which was the Supreme Court (Enlargement of Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction) Bill, 1968.
- Fourteen private part’s Bills, five of which were presented in Rajya Sabha, have become law up until this point.
- A portion of the significant enactments among them incorporate the 26th amendment, which identified with the nullification of privy satchels and 61st amendment, which decreased the democratic age from 21 to 18.
Some significant laws that were presented as private part charges
- The primary private part bill to turn into law was the Muslim Wakfs Bill, 1952 expected to give better administration and organization of wakfs, it was presented by Syed Mohammed Ahmed Kasmi in the Lok Sabha and was passed in 1954.
- Procedures of Legislature (Protection of Publication) Bill, 1956, brought by Feroze Gandhi in the Lok Sabha;
- The Salaries and Allowances of Members of Parliament (Amendment) Bill, 1964, presented by Raghunath Singh in the Lok Sabha and
- The Indian Penal Code (Amendment) Bill, 1967 presented by Diwan Chaman Lall in the Rajya Sabha.
What is state subsidizing of Elections?
- State financing of decisions is an idea intended to diminish debasement by subsidizing races with government cash rather than singular crusade commitments.
- Many suggest that state subsidizing of decisions can be the most ideal approach to accomplish straightforwardness in political financing.
- It is additionally accepted that state financing is a characteristic and vital expense of majority rules system. It gets new and developing gatherings standard with the setup parties, in this way guaranteeing reasonable decisions.
- On the off chance that gatherings and competitors are financed with just private assets, efficient imbalances in the general public may convert into political disparities in government.
State financing of decisions – Past suggestions:
- Indrajit Gupta Committee on State Funding of Elections (1998): Endorsed state financing of decisions so as to set up a reasonable playing field for parties with less cash. The Committee prescribed two confinements to state subsidizing.
- Right off the bat, that state assets ought to be offered uniquely to national and state parties apportioned an image and not to free up-and-comers.
- Besides, that in the transient state financing should just be given in kind, as specific offices to the perceived ideological groups and their up-and-comers.
- Law Commission Report on Reform of the Electoral Laws (1999): it unequivocally suggested that the proper administrative system be set up concerning ideological groups before state subsidizing of races is endeavored.
- Morals in Governance, a report of the Second Administrative Reforms Commission (2008): Recommended incomplete state subsidizing of races to diminish “ill-conceived and superfluous financing” of race costs.
- National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution, 2001: Did not underwrite state subsidizing of races however agreed with the 1999 Law Commission report that the suitable system for guideline of ideological groups would be executed before state financing is considered.
What are the difficulties of state financing?
- In principle, State financing would give a level playing field to ideological groups and cut out cash control from the condition, however by and by, things may not turn out so straightly. India gathers just about 16% of GDP as an assessment.
- The state consumption on numerous fundamental open products, for example, essential social insurance and general wellbeing building are little.
- Given this circumstance, the open assets must be directed towards and not occupied from such fundamental administrations, and that also to back something that as of now gets liberally financed.
- Further, the state subsidizing of races won’t keep parties from campaigning and getting undisclosed valuable private financing, with related ramifications.
- Along these lines, State subsidizing isn’t the answer to the obscure financing of governmental issues in India.
Congress MP Mr. Gowda’s Arguments about state political decision subsidizing:
- He raised the exchange on the Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill with two key recommendations.
- The current per competitor consumption cutoff of ₹70 lakh ought to be lifted and
- There ought to be state financing to guarantee a “cleaner commonwealth”, which is an open decent.
- He contended that as opposed to forcing a cutoff, straightforwardness ought to be gotten. Every one of the costs ought to be placed in the open space.
- The up-and-comers ought to be permitted to honestly raise reserves
- Ideological groups too required assets and the nation just wouldn’t perceive the measure of cash spent in decisions.
- He proposed a National Election Fund, under which each ideological group could be apportioned assets as indicated by their ongoing discretionary presentation.
- Halfway State subsidizing of decisions as Indrajeet Gupta Committee suggested path in 1998 can be an answer.
- Encounters of the nations having halfway and complete state subsidizing ought to be utilized to determine some recipe for state-based financing of ideological groups in India.
- Solid revelation standards, severe statutory points of confinement on political race costs and roof on corporate gifts to ideological groups can additionally reinforce the Electoral System in India
Connecting the dots:
- What are different constituent and political subsidizing changes which should be undertaken to get straightforwardness and responsibility in the Indian world of politics? Depict.
- Why just hardly any private part charges became laws in spite of the increasing number of bills present in parliament? Clarify.
TOPIC: General studies 3
- Security challenges and their management in border areas; linkages of organized crime with terrorism
The terrorist tag
- India needs extreme laws to battle dread, yet the proposed alterations could be abused
- Designating a person as a psychological oppressor, as the most recent revisions to the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act propose to do, may seem hostile.
- Be that as it may, assigning a person as a fear monger brings up genuine sacred issues and has the potential for abuse.
- There is no set technique for assigning an individual a fear monger
What is fear-mongering?
Psychological oppression is the efficient utilization of brutality to make a general atmosphere of dread in a populace and consequently to realize a specific political or social goal.
Unfavorable results of a fear-based oppressor tag:
- The psychological oppressor tag might be more terrible for people than for associations.
- People might be exposed to capture and confinement; considerably in the wake of getting bail from the courts,
- They may have their movement and developments limited, other than conveying the corrupt.
- An improper assignment will make unsalvageable harm an individual’s notoriety, profession, and work.
The Lok Sabha has passed the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Bill, 2019.
- The Bill corrects the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, furnishing extraordinary methods to manage fear monger exercises, people and gatherings that encourage psychological warfare in India.
- The Bill is yet to be postponed in the Rajya Sabha.
Key Features of the Bill
- It enables the legislature to assign people as psychological oppressors if the individual
- submits or takes an interest in demonstrations of psychological oppression,
- gets ready for psychological oppression,
- Advances fear-based oppression or are generally associated with psychological oppression.
- This has been done as it is observed that when a fear-based oppressor association is prohibited, its individuals structure another association to spread psychological warfare.
- The law permits the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to go to any state without taking consent from state police worried for checking against dread exercises.
- Under the Act, a researching official is required to get the earlier endorsement of the Director-General of Police to hold onto properties that might be associated with fear-based oppression.
- The Bill includes that if the examination is led by an official of the National Investigation Agency (NIA), the endorsement of the Director-General of NIA would be required for seizure of such property.
- Under the Act, examination of cases might be led by officials of the position of Deputy Superintendent or Assistant Commissioner of Police or above.
- The Bill also enables the officials of the NIA, of the position of Inspector or above, to explore cases.
- The Bill adds another arrangement to the rundown. This is the International Convention for Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (2005).
- Restriction has said that the bill arrangements were against the government structure of the nation
- Under the Congress government drove by previous Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) was initially passed in 1967. In the end, changes were gotten 2004, 2008,2013
- While none will scrutinize the requirement for stringent laws that show ‘zero resilience’ towards fear based oppression, the legislature ought to be aware of its commitments to protect basic rights while instituting enactment regarding the matter.
- States must guarantee that any measure taken to battle psychological warfare must conform to all commitments under universal human rights, outcast and philanthropic law.
Connecting the dots
- Do you think psychological oppression represents an incredible danger to globalization? Fundamentally analyze
- Is psychological warfare a component of popularity based society or outcome of legislative utilization of dread as a political weapon? basically dissect.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
- Featured Comments and comments Up-voted by whataftercollege are the “correct answers”.
Q.1) Consider the following statements regarding Indira Gandhi Canal
- It is the longest operating canal system in India
- It passes through states of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, and Rajasthan
- Previously it was named as Rajasthan canal
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.2) Which of the following bills are considered as a Private member bill?
- Bill introduced by a member of legislature belonging to the opposition party
- Bill introduced by a member belonging to the ruling party, not a part of the government
- Bill introduced by a Minister
- Bill introduced by an Independent Member of Legislature
Select the correct answer from the codes given below
- 1 only
- 1 and 4 only
- 1,2 and 4 only
- 2 and 3 only
Q.3) Belt and Road initiative is associated with which country/grouping?
- China
Q.4) Arrange the following seas from south to north
- South China Sea
- East China Sea
- Sea of Japan
- Yellow sea
Select the correct answer from the codes given below
- 1-2-3-4
- 1-2-4-3
- 2-1-3-4
- 2-1-4-3
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