Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 30-07-2019
Current Affairs and News (30-07-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Geographical-Indication Tag (GI Tag)
- Tiger census
- National Commission for Minorities (NCM)
- Economic Census
- Tiger census
- Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and India
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 30-07-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (30-07-2019)
Geographical-Indication Tag (GI Tag)
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS- III – Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization, of resources.
In News
- After West Bengal(2017), Odisha gets GI tag for its rendition of Rasgulla
- The GI tag for a similar item to both the neighboring states perceives the two particular assortments of Rasgullas in taste and surface
Do you know?
- A GI is a particular sign used to separate merchandise based on its remarkable qualities
- A GI label helps in the marking and promoting of a neighborhood item
- It draws in punishments whenever duplicated by anyone outside that geological region.GI appreciates legitimate security under GI of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
- While Bengalis guarantee the sweet was concocted by Nobin Chandra Das (Birth: 1845) at his home in Kolkata, Odias refer to the custom going back to twelfth-century of rasgulla being offered at the Puri Jagannath Temple
Tiger census
Part of: Mains GS III- Conservation of Environment
In News
- Tiger includes ascends by 33% in India with 2,967 tigers in the wild (2014 statistics 2226)
- Be that as it may, the ascent is lopsided crosswise over states.
- MP had the most elevated ascent of 218 tigers, arriving at an expected 526, while Chhattisgarh saw exceptional fall in its check from 46 to 19
- No tigers were found in Buxa (West Bengal), Dampa (Mizoram) and Palamau (Jharkhand), saves that had low numbers in before appraisals
- Poaching(accounting for 24% of Tiger mortality), absence of assurance and the executives’ measures, pressure on backwoods for extension of human settlements are a portion of the obstacles in Tiger protection
Do You know?
- Tiger Census of India is viewed as the world’s biggest natural life overview, covering 381,000 sq. km
- India alongside 12 other tiger run nations had focused on multiplying the number of inhabitants in tigers in their separate nations by 2022, as a feature of the WWF program Tx2
- India finished its Tx2 target 4 years sooner
- India with 50 tiger holds in 18 states has over 80% of the worldwide tiger populace which remains at 3,159
- Worldwide Tiger Day is commended on 29 July yearly to bring issues to light about Tiger protection
National Commission for Minorities (NCM)
Part of: Mains GS II- Mechanism for protection of vulnerable sections of society
In News
- NCM has would not engage a request to pronounce Hindus a “minority network” in those states where they don’t frame a dominant part of the populace.
- NCM has no power/locale to announce new minority networks, such powers lie with the Central government.
- NCM rather attempts to guarantee the advancement and improvement of minorities and secure their strict, social and instructive rights.
- Preeminent Court in its judgment in the Bal Patil Vs Union of India instance of 1999 had said that NCM’s job was to keep up the solidarity and honesty of India by killing the requirement for distinguishing networks as larger part and minority
Do you know?
- As indicated by 2011 Census, Hindus are in monitory in eight states — Lakshadweep (2.5%), Mizoram (2.75%), Nagaland (8.75%), Meghalaya (11.53%), J&K (28.44%), Arunachal Pradesh (29%), Manipur (31.39%), and Punjab (38.40%).
- Constitution of India doesn’t characterize the word ‘Minority’ however has utilized the word minorities thinking about two characteristics religion or language of an individual
- The Union Government set up NCM under the NCM Act, 1992 (Statutory body)
- Six strict networks, viz; Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Zoroastrians (Parsis) and Jains(6) have been told in Gazette of India as minority networks all over India
Economic Census
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS III- Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization, of resources
In News
- The administration began the seventh Economic Census (EC) from Tripura. It will be propelled in different states and UT in August and September
- EC is the finished check everything being equal/units situated inside the land limits of India
- Farming isn’t shrouded in the Economic Census
- It is being led by the Ministry of Statistics and Program usage (MoSPI)
- MoSPI has banded together with Common Service Centers, CSC e-Governance Service India Ltd(SPV of Ministry of Electronics and IT) as the executing officer for EC
- The information will be gathered through way to entryway review of every family unit and business foundation under the arrangements of Collection of Statistics Act, 2008
Do You know?
- Six Economic Censuses have been led till date: 1977,1980,1990,1998,2005 and 2013
- The EC is the main wellspring of data on the essentially huge sloppy part in the economy
- According to the last EC led in 2013, there were 58.5 million foundations utilizing around 131 million laborers
TOPIC: General Studies 3
- Conservation, environmental pollution the and degradation, environmental impact assessment
Tiger census
- The four-year tiger enumeration report, Status of Tigers in India, 2018, discharged by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday, shows quantities of the huge feline have expanded overall scenes. The all-out check has ascended to 2,967 from 2,226 out of 2014 — an expansion of 741 people (matured over one year), or 33%, in four years.
- Over 80% of the world’s wild tigers are in India, and it’s significant to monitor their numbers
Increasingly about tiger preservation:
For what reason is a tiger evaluation required?
- The tiger sits at the pinnacle of the evolved way of life, and its preservation is imperative to guarantee the prosperity of the woods environment.
- The tiger estimation practice incorporates environment appraisal and prey estimation.
- The numbers mirror the achievement or disappointment of preservation endeavors.
- This is a particularly significant marker in a quickly developing economy like India where the weights of improvement regularly contradict the requests of preservation.
How the tiger evaluation was completed?
The evaluation was completed in four stages.
Phases 1 and 2
- It secured backwoods beats, for the most part, spread more than 15 sq km each, by Forest Departments, to gather indications of tiger nearness like scat and pugmarks. Enumerators strolled ways called line transects to gauge the plenitude of prey.
- This was trailed by inspecting plots along the transects to evaluate living space qualities, human effect, and prey compost thickness.
Phase 3
- The data was plotted on the timberland map arranged with remote-detecting and GIS applications. Test territories were isolated in 2-sq-km bundles, and trap cameras were laid in these frameworks.
Phase 4
- Information was extrapolated to regions where cameras couldn’t be sent.
Which states/districts have done terrible?
- Just one of the 20 tiger-bearing states has seen a fall in numbers — Chhattisgarh, where the statistics checked 19 tigers, fundamentally less than the 46 of 2014.
- The report has referred to lawfulness as the explanation — huge pieces of the state are hit by the Maoist revolt.
- More prominent protection endeavors are required in the “fundamentally defenseless” Northeast slopes and Odisha.
- No tiger has been found in the Buxa, Palamau and Dampa reserves.
Which states have done great?
- The greatest increment has been in Madhya Pradesh — a huge 218 people (71%) from 308 out of 2014 to 526.
- In Maharashtra, the number has gone up from 190 to 312 (64%), and
- In Karnataka, from 406 to 524 (118, or 29%).
- Uttarakhand has increased more than 100 tigers (340 to 442; 30%)
- Madhya Pradesh’s Pench asylum and Kerala’s Periyar haven risen as the best-overseen tiger holds in the nation.
Why Pench asylum was viewed as best for tiger saves?
- Pench was a well-overseen hold since it had a season-wise biodiversity plan just as flying squads and strategic watching for overseeing security.
- There were ordinary gatherings with nearby networks and assets gathered from the travel industry were to a great extent making it to the experts for protection purposes.
India’s five tiger scenes :
- Shivalik Hills and Gangetic Plains,
- Focal Indian Landscape and the Eastern Ghats,
- The Western Ghats,
- North-East Hills and Brahmaputra Plains,
- The Sundarbans.
Why the tiger populace has been expanded?
- Because of expanded cautiousness and preservation endeavors by the Forest Department.
- The recovery of towns outside center territories in numerous pieces of the nation has prompted the accessibility of progressively untouched space for tigers.
- sorted out poaching rackets have been everything except squashed
- As indicated by Nitin Desai of Wildlife Protection Society of India, there has been no sorted out poaching by conventional packs in Central Indian scenes since 2013.
- The expanded insurance has urged the tiger to breed.
- Likewise, on the grounds that estimation practices have gotten progressively increasingly exact throughout the years
Application created to gauge tiger populace:
- Natural life authorities utilized portable application M-STrIPES (Monitoring System For Tigers-Intensive Protection and Ecological Status) to gauge the enormous feline populace
- The M-STrIPES, the application utilized by timberland protects, is GPS-empowered and catches information identifying with tiger sightings, passings, natural life wrongdoing, and biological perceptions while watching.
- This versatile application records the track a timberland official strolls and geotags the sightings of tigers and considerably different creatures or signs which helps in the estimation
- The other programming utilized for tiger estimation was Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture (SECR) and Extract Compare, which separates between the stripes of tigers as every ha an alternate example.
Venture Tiger
- Targets rationing India’s national creature for example Tiger.
- Propelled in 1973
- The tiger holds are comprised of a center/cushion technique.
- The center territories have the lawful status of a national park or a haven, though the cradle or fringe zones are a blend of backwoods and non-timberland land, oversaw as a numerous utilization region.
- The Project Tiger plans to encourage a selective tiger motivation in the center regions of the tiger holds, with a comprehensive people situated plan in the cushion.
- It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change giving focal help to the tiger States for tiger protection in assigned tiger holds.
- The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) is a statutory body of the Ministry, with an overall supervisory/coordination job, performing capacities as gave in the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
- The All India tiger estimation is completed once in at regular intervals.
Move and activities were made by the administration for Tiger protection
The legislature of India has made a few strides that incorporate legitimate advances, authoritative advances and monetary strides to guarantee and advance Tiger preservation in India.
1. Lawful activities
The Wildlife Protection Act 1972 was altered in 2006 to give empowering arrangements and comprising National Tiger preservation authority. Likewise, tiger and other jeopardized species wrongdoing control department were made through this alteration.
The disciplines for instances of offenses identified with the Tiger Reserves and its central region was expanded.
2. Managerial Actions
- The administration has made strides for counteracting poaching exercises which incorporates an extraordinary methodology for rainstorm watching and so on.
- Under the chairmanship of separate Chief Ministers, state-level controlling boards of trustees have been set up alongside the foundation of the Tiger Conservation Foundation.
- An extraordinary Tiger Protection Force was made by the Union spending plan in 2008.
3. Money related activities
The Government of India is giving money related and specialized Support to the State Governments under the halfway supported plans, for example, Project Tiger, and coordinated advancement of untamed life territories and so on.
- Tigers are terminal customers in the biological nourishment pyramid, and their protection brings about the preservation of every single trophic level in an environment
- We need to make a solid harmony among maintainability and advancement.
Connecting the dots:
- Examine the difficulties for the preservation of Tiger and recommend the measures to save the tigers?
TOPIC: General Studies 2
- International Relations
- Bilateral, regional & global groupings & agreements involving India &/or affecting India’s interests
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and India
- Australia is leading diplomats from various countries involved in the negotiations for the 16-member Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) free trade agreement to convince India to commit to the deal by the end of the year.
- Serious concerns, including worries over the flooding of the market with Chinese goods
- The lack of access to Indian services in the RCEP countries
What is RCEP?
- The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a proposed mega-regional Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between 16 Asia-Pacific countries.
- Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) was established in order to broaden and deepen the engagement among parties and to enhance parties’ participation in the economic development of the region.
- It was established by the leaders of 16 participating countries on November 12, 2012, at the Phnom Penh summit.
- The RCEP will include all the nations with which the ASEAN has trade deals — New Zealand, Australia, China, India, Japan, and South Korea.
- The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has free trade agreements with six partners namely People’s Republic of China (ACFTA), Republic of Korea (AKFTA), Japan (AJCEP), India (AIFTA) as well as Australia and New Zealand (AANZFTA).
- The Partnership will account for nearly 45 % of the global population with a combined gross domestic product of $21.3 trillion
How RCEP benefit India?
- It is expected to provide market access for India’s goods and services exports and encourage greater investments and technology into India.
- It would also facilitate India’s MSMEs to effectively integrate into the regional value and supply chains.
- On the other hand, India is not a member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) which is a grouping of twenty-one countries in the Asia Pacific region with an aim to deepen and strengthen economic and technological cooperation amongst APEC member countries.
- The RCEP negotiation includes trade in goods, trade in services, investment, economic and technical cooperation, intellectual property, competition, dispute settlement, e-commerce, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and other issues.
- India has consistently focused on services trade norms, such as those allowing the free movement of trained professionals across national boundaries.
- This would effectively allow Indian professionals — such as chartered accountants, teachers and nurses — to practice in other RCEP nations without the need for bilateral mutual recognition agreements.
- Since India has an abundance of trained labor that is interested in migrating while sending remittances back home, this is a prime focus area for the country.
What are the hurdles where India got stuck?
- The talks have seen little movement since partner nations have been unwilling to concede on crucial issues under planning since 2012.
- The crucial issues of goods, services including the easier movement of professionals and, investment are also the areas of negotiation.
- The main bone of contention is market access for foreign goods and the reduction of import duties on them.
- This is the discussion area where India is gravely cautious since manufacturing powerhouse China is part of the arrangement.
- India fears the RCEP pact will allow China to push its products at lower prices and finally capture the market.
- At present, India’s import barriers remain high to Chinese products.
- The $63 billion trade deficit with China remains a burning political issue for the government and security concerns have also arisen over Chinese conglomerates dictating market trends in sectors such as telecommunication.
- On the other hand, richer nations like Australia and New Zealand have remained adamant about issues such as seeking more leeway in selling specific products such as dairy and fruits in India.
- India has also moved slowly on investment norms, especially dispute settlement guidelines.
The Australian High Commissioner to India :
- It was the industry’s responsibility to use the FTAs well.
- Australia is leading diplomats from various countries to convince India to commit to the deal by the end of the year.
- Indian negotiators like any good negotiators can get the best deal in their own country’s interests.
- But the second part is that the industry has to use the access that they gain from the agreement to extend their reach
- Despite the challenges to be faced by industry, the government is keen to be part of the pact as once implemented the RCEP could be the largest free-trade zone in the world as member countries account for 25 percent of global GDP, 30 percent of global trade, 26 percent of global foreign direct investment (FDI) flows and 45 percent of the total population.
Connecting the dots:
- Discuss the gains of India from joining the RCEP negotiation table and what are the challenges to India?
- How RCEP is important for India? Discuss.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
- Featured Comments and comments Up-voted by whataftercollege are the “correct answers”.
Q.1) Consider the following statements
- National Commission of Minorities is a Constitutional Body
- National Commission of Minorities declares whether a Community is minority or not
- Article-29 and 30 in Constitution has defined the meaning of Minority
Which of the above statements are incorrect?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.2) Consider the following statements about Economic Census
- It is being conducted for the first time in the country to ascertain the size of the informal sector
- Ministry of Statistics & Program implementation is conducting this Census
- All Farm and non-farm activities are considered in this census
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.3) Consider the following statements
- National Tiger Conservation Authority is a statutory body headed by Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
- Dampa Tiger Reserve is the largest wildlife sanctuary in Arunachal Pradesh
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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