Preparing for the XAT, or Xavier Aptitude Test, is crucial for scoring well in this competitive examination. Here are [...]
Improving your core strength in DI-LR is essential for CAT preparation. To excel in DI-LR, there are two main [...]
CAT Number System Syllabus and Preparation Tips? The number system is a crucial topic in the CAT quantitative aptitude [...]
Presents the Rule of Constant as an example. In Example 4, it asks how many liters of pure water [...]
How to Prepare for CAT Verbal Ability Section? While discussing CAT Verbal Ability, we mean CAT Verbal Ability and [...]
Mensuration formulas are frequently featured in exams such as CAT, SSC CGL, and other similar exams. These formulas are [...]
CAT Logical Reasoning Syllabus and Preparation Tips: CAT's Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation (LRDI) section has undergone significant changes [...]
Linear arrangement based logical reasoning questions in the CAT exam involve the sequential alignment of objects based on the [...]
While preparing for CAT without coaching may be a good idea, it may not be the best decision for [...]
How to Plan Your Online CAT Preparation? If you are skilled at distinguishing between "good content" and "bad content," [...]
CAT Geometry: An Alternate Approach to Find Area- Many questions in CAT and other management entrance exams are from Geometry, [...]
How to Solve Assumption-Based CAT RC and CR Questions:? Assumption-based questions in Critical Reasoning (CR) and Reading Comprehension (RC) [...]